English to Quapaw
Dictionary |
Our Quapaw Language Speakers |
Click on the word in English to
learn about the Quapaw Translation and hear the word
spoken in Quapaw. |
A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z |
Word in English |
"A" |
a lot, many, much |
a lot, plenty,
plentiful |
African American, negro |
again, over and over,
repeatedly |
all |
alligator |
angry, mad |
ankle |
apple |
apple juice |
apple tree |
apron |
armband |
arm, arms |
arrive, to have come here |
arrow |
aunt, my aunt (father's side) |
aunt, my older aunt
(mother's side) |
aunt, my younger aunt
(mother's side) |
axe |
"B" |
baby, child |
baby powder |
back, a person’s back |
back, back of an animal |
bacon, pork, fat meat |
bad |
bag, pocket, sack |
bald, bare, smooth |
ball |
ball |
banana |
bark, as a dog |
bathe, swim |
Baxter Springs,
Kansas |
beads |
beans |
bear, black bear |
bed |
bee, bees |
beef |
been, went |
beer |
behave, well behaved |
bell, rattle |
belly |
belly, stomach |
belt, sash |
big |
big |
bird (also a personal name) |
bit, twelve and a half cents |
bite |
bitter |
black |
black haw |
blackberry |
blanket |
blood |
blue |
blue, pale blue |
boat |
bone |
boots |
born, give birth, bear a child |
bottle, milk |
bottle, whiskey |
bow |
bowl |
bowl |
boy |
boy, bad |
boy, oldest |
boy, little |
braid hair |
braid, of hair |
bread |
bread, fry bread |
bread, rye bread |
break |
breast |
broom |
brother, my brother, woman’s elder |
brother, my younger brother |
brown |
bucket |
buckeye |
buffalo |
buffalo calf (also personal name) |
buffalo, Little Buffalo
Girl (personal name) |
buffalo hide, skin |
buffalo horn (also personal name) |
buffalo, bull, male (also personal name) |
buffalo, Walking Bull Buffalo (personal name) |
bug |
bumblebee |
butter |
buttocks, rear |
buzzard |
"C" |
cabbage |
cactus |
cake |
call out, shout, yell |
cane |
cannon |
carry, pack on back |
cat |
catfish |
cedar |
cedar smoke |
cedar tree |
chair |
cheese |
Cherokee Indians |
chest, Hit Me in the Chest
(personal name) |
chest, trunk |
chicken |
chief (also a personal name) |
chief, Little Chief
(personal name) |
chief, Tall Chief
(nickname) |
child, baby |
chin |
Christmas |
Christmas gift |
church |
claw, talon, hoof |
clock |
cloth |
cloth, calico |
cloud (also a personal name) |
coal |
coat |
coffee |
cold |
cold, cold weather, winter |
cold, winter time |
comb |
come, come in, come back, come
here, come on |
come back |
cook |
corn |
cottonwood tree |
cough |
council |
count |
cow |
crazy |
crazy, wild |
creek, river |
Creek Indians |
cricket |
cripple |
Crosses Stream
(personal name) |
crow |
cry |
cup |
"D" |
dance |
dance, fiddle -
whiteman’s dance |
dance, stomp dance, leader |
dance, war dance |
daughter, first born,
birth name |
daughter, my daughter |
daughter, second born,
birth name |
dark, darkness, evening |
dark color, indistinct
black |
day |
daybreak, dawn |
deer, dried meat |
deer, buck deer |
deer, little deer |
defecate |
desert, sand, dust |
devil |
diaper, breech cloth |
die, dead |
difficult, too much, too
high a price |
dig |
dime, ten cents |
dipper |
dirt, soil, ground, earth |
dirty |
divorced, they quit |
do, you do |
doctor |
dog |
dog, big dog |
dollar |
don't do that, that's enough |
donkey, mule |
door |
dove, turtle dove |
dream |
dress |
dress slip |
drink |
drive, drive something off |
drum |
drumstick |
drunk |
dry |
duck |
"E" |
eagle |
eagle claw, talon |
eagle, Little White Eagle
(personal name) |
eagle, Looking at the
Eagle, Visible Eagle (personal name) |
eagle, Young Eagle,
Little Eagle (personal name) |
ear, external ear |
ear, inner ear |
ear, ringing in ear |
earring |
east |
eat, chew |
eat, dine |
eating |
eel |
egg |
eight |
eighteen |
eighty |
elbow |
eleven |
elk (also personal name) |
enough, that's enough, don't do
that |
evening |
eye |
eyebrows |
eyelash |
"F" |
fall, fall season |
far away, way off |
fart, break wind |
fast |
fat |
fat meat, bacon,
pork |
father, my father |
feather, on the head |
Feather Rising, Getting
up (personal name) |
feather, White Feather
(personal name) |
feel like |
female |
fiddle, violin |
field |
fifteen |
fifteen cents |
fifty |
fight |
finger |
finger, fourth finger |
finger, index finger,
pointer |
finger, little finger |
finger, middle finger |
fingernail |
finish, complete |
finish, quit |
fire |
fire, big fire |
Fire Haⁿka (personal name) |
fish |
five |
five cents, nickel |
flat |
flea |
flesh, skin |
flood (also a personal name) |
flour |
flower |
fly, as birds |
fly, house fly |
food |
foot, feet |
football |
footprint, trail, track
(also personal name) |
fork |
forty |
four |
fourteen |
fox, gray fox |
French person, French
people |
Friday |
friend |
frog |
fry, fried |
frybread |
future, will be, shall |
"G" |
garfish |
get away, escape |
get up, arise |
get, take one’s own |
get, take, receive, grab |
ghost, spirit |
girl |
girl, baby girl |
girl, bad girl |
girl, pretty girl |
give |
give away something |
glasses, eyeglasses |
go |
go, command |
go after, fetch one’s
own |
go home, to start homeward |
go home, command |
go, have gone
somewhere |
goat |
God (also personal name) |
God (also personal name) |
God, Father God |
good |
goodness |
goose, geese |
gourd |
grandchild, my grandchild
(male or female) |
granddaughter, my
granddaughter |
grandfather, my
grandfather |
grandmother |
grandson, my grandson |
grape, grapes |
grape, big grape |
grape dumplings |
grass |
grave |
gravy |
gray |
gray fox |
grease, lard, oil |
green |
green, bright green |
green, pale green |
ground, earth, soil |
gun, iron |
"H" |
hail |
hair |
hair, curly hair |
hair, white hair |
half, in length |
half dollar, fifty cents |
hand |
handkerchief |
handsome |
Haⁿka (personal name) |
Haⁿka Bird (personal name) |
Haⁿka, Difficult
Female Haⁿka (personal name) |
Haⁿka, White Haⁿka
(personal name) |
happy |
happy, glad, like, pleased |
hat |
hatchet |
hate, dislike |
have, keep |
have, possess |
hawk (also personal name) |
hawk, chicken hawk |
hay |
head |
head, White Head (personal
name) |
headache |
hear, listen |
heart |
heaven |
heavy |
hello, greeting |
help someone |
here, right here, this place |
hickory nut |
hide, shell, skin, bark |
hill |
hit, slap, strike |
holy, sacred |
home, household |
hominy (also personal name) |
honey |
horn, antler |
horse |
horse, black horse |
horse, horse’s foot |
hot |
hot |
house |
house, white house |
how are you |
how are you doing |
how many, how much |
hundred, one hundred |
hungry |
hunt |
hurry |
hurt, ache, pain |
husband |
"I" |
I, me |
I to you |
ice |
Indian |
Indian agent |
indoors, in the house |
inhale something, smell
something |
ink |
inside, in, within, under |
iron, metal, gun |
iron, used to iron
clothes |
iron clothes, to
press |
"J" |
jaw |
jaw bone |
jay bird, blue jay |
jug, bottle, container |
juice, apple juice |
"K" |
kill |
kindle |
kiss |
knee |
knife |
knob |
know |
"L" |
lack, lacking, none |
lake |
land, countryside |
language, word, talk, speak |
lard, grease, oil |
laugh, smile |
lay down, sleep, lie, recline |
lazy |
leaf, leaves (also personal
name) |
leg, legs |
leggings |
lid, covered up |
lie down to sleep |
light, lantern, lamp, candle |
lightning, forked lightning
(also personal name) |
lightweight |
like |
like, I like it |
like, to not like, to not
want |
like, like that, similar
to, thus, so |
little, small, young |
locomotive, train |
long, tall |
longtime |
look |
look at each other |
look (command) |
look for, search for, hunt
for |
look upon, watch over,
oversee |
love |
"M" |
mad, angry |
make, do, cause |
make, do, cause (command) |
make oneself |
male animal |
male animal |
man |
many, much, a lot |
married, marry each other |
Mary, Jesus’s mother |
match |
me, I |
me too |
meadowlark |
mean |
mean, angry, irritated |
meat, dried meat, deer |
medicine |
men, people, clan, person |
metal, iron, gun |
Mexican, Spanish, Español |
middle, half |
might, maybe, perhaps |
milk |
mine, my |
mine, not mine, not my |
mirror |
mistreat, abuse |
moccasin |
mole, as on the skin |
Monday |
money |
monkey |
moon |
morning, in the morning |
morning, before daybreak |
mosquito |
mother, my mother |
mountain |
mountain lion,
panther, cougar, puma |
mouse |
mouth |
movie, show |
much |
mulberry tree |
mule, donkey |
muskrat |
"N" |
naked to the waist, stripped to
the waist |
name |
near |
Nebraska |
neck, wear around the neck |
necklace, beads |
new |
new year, new year’s day |
nickel, five cents |
night |
night, good night |
nine |
nineteen |
ninety |
no |
none, to have none, be lacking |
north |
nose |
not, negative, negation |
now |
"O" |
oak, black oak, black
tree |
oak, post oak, gray tree |
odor, smell, emit any odor |
oil, lard, grease |
old, grown up, mature |
old |
oldest boy, oldest son |
oldest boy, oldest
son |
on, upon |
one |
one hundred |
one thousand |
onion |
only, only that, just |
open, pull open |
opossum |
orange color |
orange fruit |
Osage |
otter |
our, we rather than others |
outside, outdoors |
over, on top of |
owl, hoot owl |
owl, horned owl |
owl, screech owl |
"P" |
pain, hurt, ache |
panther, puma, mountain lion,
cougar |
pants |
paper, book, letter |
Pawnee |
pawpaw, banana |
pecan, pecan nut |
pecan tree |
pencil |
penny, one cent |
people, person, men |
pepper |
perhaps, might, maybe |
persimmon |
personality, disposition,
will |
picture |
pie |
pierce, stab, perforate |
pig |
pillow |
pill, pills |
pink |
pipe |
pitiful, poor |
plate |
play |
plentiful, plenty, a lot |
pocket, sack, bag |
point, to point at |
point with lips |
police, soldier |
Ponca |
poor, pitiful |
pop, soda pop |
pot |
potato |
potato, Irish potato |
potato, sweet potato |
potato, sweet
potato |
potato, white potato |
powder, baby powder |
pray, beg, ask for something |
pray, talk to heaven |
President of the United
States |
Indian Agent |
press, to press down |
pretty, good |
pretty |
pretty day |
pretty girl |
push away, push it (command) |
"Q" |
quail |
Quapaw |
quarter, twenty-five cents |
quick, hurry |
quit, finish |
"R" |
rabbit |
raccoon |
raccoon, black
raccoon |
rain |
raise, pull up high |
rat, mouse |
rattle, bell |
read, read aloud, call or name
something |
real, very, fully |
really, very |
red |
redbird, cardinal |
remain, be left over |
repeatedly, again, over and
over |
rib, rib bone |
ribbon |
rice |
rich |
rich, rich people |
ring, finger ring |
ringing, ringing in the
ear |
river, big river |
river, big river |
river, Spring River |
roach, deer tail headdress |
road |
robin |
rock, stone |
rooster, male chicken |
rope, string |
round, spherical |
rug, blanket |
run, as a person not an animal |
run fast, as a person not
an animal |
"S" |
sack, bag, pocket |
sacred, holy |
saddle |
said, they said, they say |
salt |
sand, desert, dust |
Saturday |
say, talk, word, speak |
scarf, handkerchief |
school, school house |
scissors |
scratch |
search for, look for, hunt
for |
see |
see, I see you |
seed |
seed, pit, grain,
kernel |
seven |
seventy |
cents |
shake |
sharp |
shawl |
Shawnee, Shawnee Tribe |
shell shaker, stomp
dance shells |
shirt |
shoe |
shoot, shoot at something |
shoot, shoot each other,
war |
short |
shout, yell, call out |
shut, close, cave in, cover |
sick, ill |
sister, older sister |
sit, sit down, be sitting, be in
a place, camp |
sit upon |
six |
sixteen |
sixty |
skillet |
skin, flesh |
skinny |
skirt, dress |
skunk |
sleep |
slimy, muddy, ropy, viscous |
slow, late, delay |
slowly, deliberately,
thoughtfully, cautiously |
small, little, young |
smart, does not forget |
smell, odor, emit any odor |
smile, laugh |
smoke |
snake |
snow, snowing |
soaked, wet |
soap |
soil, ground, dirt, earth |
soldier, police |
some |
son |
son, first son |
son, first son |
son-in-law |
soup |
south |
Spanish, Español, Mexican |
speak, talk with one |
spill, push over and spill |
spiral, twisted, curled |
spirit, ghost |
spoon |
spotted, speckled |
spring, springtime |
spring water, cold
water |
squirrel |
stand |
star |
stink, emit offensive odor |
stink feet |
stockings, hose |
stomach, belly |
stone, rock |
stooped, stooped over |
stop |
storm, wind blowing hard |
stove |
strawberry |
string, rope |
striped |
strong, hard, with great
effort |
sugar |
sulphur water |
summer time, sun shining |
sun |
Little White Sun (personal name) |
sun up, the sun is sure up
(also personal name) |
Sun Way Off (personal
name) |
sun, White Sun Gets
up, Comes (personal name) |
Sunday |
suspenders |
sweep, brush away, knock away |
sweet |
swim |
swim, bathe |
syrup |
"T" |
table |
tail |
take, get, receive, grab |
talk, word, speak, say |
talk, fast talk, loud
talk |
talk, talk louder |
tall, long |
talon, claw, hoof |
tea |
teach, cause to know, cause to
understand |
teacher, teach |
teeth, tooth |
ten |
thank you |
that |
that there |
there |
thin |
thin, skinny, lean |
think, decide, form an opinion |
thirsty |
thirteen |
thirty |
this |
this one |
three |
throat |
thunder |
thunder, distant
thunder, little thunder (also personal name) |
thunder, loud thunder
(also personal name) |
Thunder Person
(personal name) |
Thursday |
tick, insect |
time |
tip, tip of something |
tipi |
tipi, tent |
tired, weary |
to, in, to there, in there |
to, toward, at |
tobacco |
today, this day |
toe, toes |
toe, big toe |
toe nail |
toilet paper |
tomato |
tomorrow |
tongue |
toothpick |
town, village |
track, trail, footprint
(also personal name) |
train, locomotive |
tree, wood, log |
tree, bush, vine, stalk,
leg |
trunk, chest |
try hard, with great effort |
Tuesday |
Tulsa, Oklahoma |
turkey |
turtle |
turtle, big turtle |
turtle shell |
turtle, striped
turtle, terrapin |
twelve |
twenty |
twisted, spiral, curled |
two |
"U" |
ugly |
ugly, bad |
uncle (on mother’s side) |
under, inside, in, within |
understand, know |
unwilling, refuse, decline,
lazy |
upon, on |
upper, upward, heaven |
urinate |
urine |
"V" |
valley |
very, real, fully |
very, really |
village, town |
violin, fiddle |
visible, in sight |
"W" |
wagon, cart |
walk |
walk fast |
walnut, black walnut |
want, desire, wish |
want not, like not |
war, shoot each other |
warm |
wash |
wash one’s own |
wash, ring out, laundry |
wasp, bee |
watch, clock |
water, liquid, river |
water, cold water,
spring water |
watermelon |
way off, far away |
we |
wear |
weary, tired |
Wednesday |
west |
wet |
wet, soaked |
what |
what, how, in what manner |
wheel |
when, future, will be,
shall |
when, when in the future |
when, when in the past |
where |
where, which
direction |
whiskey |
whiskey bottle |
white |
white hair |
White Head (personal name) |
white man |
white race, white
people, American |
white woman |
whitish, pale, white in
the distance |
who, which one |
why |
wife |
wild, crazy |
will, disposition,
personality |
wind |
wing |
winter, cold weather, cold |
winter time, cold |
wolf |
woman, lady, wife, female
animal |
wood, tree, log |
woodpecker |
woodpecker, red-headed
woodpecker |
wrap something around, wrap
it up |
wrap, fold in a bundle,
covering |
write, draw |
"X" |
None |
"Y" |
year |
yell, shout, call out |
yellow |
yes |
yesterday |
you |
young, little, small |
young, immature |
your, yours |
"Z" |
None |