pi (ppi)
seed (RR-Quapaw)
Dhegiha Language Family Comparison
pi (ppi)
- seed (RR-Quapaw)
pi-de (ppíde)
- acorn (RR-Quapaw)
bu-de (búde)
- nut, acorn, nut resembling an acorn, but on a different
tree with a red trunk, red-oak acorn; Quercus rubra
ʰpi-si (p̣i-çi)
- acorn (FL-Osage)
ʰpi-si sa-be (p̣i-çí ça-be)
- black acorn (FL-Osage)
ʰpi-si ha (p̣i-çí ha)
- acorn cups (FL-Osage)
ʰpi-si stse-dse (p̣i-çí-stse-dse)
- long acorn, acorn of the white oak (FL-Osage)
ʰpo-su (ʰposú)
- acorn (CQ-Osage)
pu-su zhiⁿ-ga (pusú zhiⁿga), pu-su-hiⁿ-ga (pusúhiⁿga)
- the smallest type of acorn (Kanza)