o-ki-e (okkie), (okye), o-ki (oki), o-ke (okké)
- speak, talk with one, o-a-ki-e (oákkie) - I
speak, talk with one, o-da-ki-e (odákkie) -
you speak, talk with one (RR-Quapaw)
maⁿ-shi o-ki (mą́ši okkí)
- Christian, lit."talks on high" (RR-Quapaw)
o-ki-e (okkié)
- court a girl, o-a-ki-e (oákkie) - I court a
girl, o-da-ki-e (odákkie) - you court a girl
wa-goⁿ-ze wa-koⁿ-du kʰi-e (wagóⁿze wakóⁿdukʰíe)
- minister, missionary, "teacher who talks to God"
u-ki-ye (ukiye)
- talk with, date, court, talk to (Omaha)
u-ʰki-e (u-ḳí-e)
- to speak or to talk to one another, to hold an interview,
u-wa-ʰki-e (u-wá-ḳi-e) - I had an interview,
u-tha-ʰki-e (u-thá-ḳi-e) - you spoke to him,
you had an interview, oⁿ-gu-ʰki-a-i (oⁿ-gú-ḳi-a i) - we had an interview (FL-Osage)
o-ʰki-e (oʰkíe)
- get together, meeting of a group of people to converse
o-ʰki-e (oʰkíe), o-ʰki (oʰkí)
- call on the phone, converse with, interview, talk with or
to, o-wi-ʰki (owíʰki), o-wi-ʰki-e (owíʰkie) -
I talk to you, oⁿ-waⁿ-tha-ʰki-e (ǫwą́ðaʰkie) -
you all talk to me, o-thi-ki-e koⁿ-tha (oðíʰkie kǫ́ða)
- he wants to talk to you, aⁿ-waⁿ-ʰki-a (ąwą́ʰkia)
- talk to me, aⁿ-waⁿ-tha-ʰki-e (ąwą́ðaʰkíe) -
you talk to me, o-aⁿ-ʰki-e (oą́ʰkie) - they
called me (CQ-Osage)
o-ki-e (okíe)
speak to, talk to, to court a woman, o-a-ki-e (oákie)
- I talk to, o-ya-ki-e (oyákie) - you talk to,
o-ki-e (okíe) - he/she/it talk to,
aⁿ-go-ki-a-be (aⁿgókiabe) - we talk to, o-ya-ki-a-be
(oyákiabe) - you all talk to, o-ki-a-be (okíabe)
- they talk to, o-wa-ki-e (ówakié)- to talk
to or with them (Kanza)
o-ki-ki-e (okkíkkie)
- talk to each other or oneself, o-a-ki-ki-e (oákkikkie)
- I talk with another, o-da-ki-ki-e (odákkikkie)
- you talk with another (RR-Quapaw)
u-ʰki-ʰki-e (u-ḳi-ḳi-e)
- talk together, or to each other, to speak to one another,
to hold a conversation, a dialogue, oⁿ-gu-ʰki-ʰki-e
(oⁿ-gú-ḳi-ḳi-e) - we speak to one another (FL-Osage)
o-ʰki-ʰki-e (oʰkíʰkie)
- talk with one another, converse with each other,
aⁿ-ko-ʰki-ʰki-e ʰtai (ąkóʰkiʰkie ʰtái) - let’s talk
to each other (CQ-Osage)
o-ki-ki-e (okíkie)
talk with one another, aⁿ-go-ki-ki-a-be (aⁿgókikiabe)
- we talk with one another, o-ya-ki-ki-a-be
(oyákikiabe) - you all talk with one another,
o-ki-ki-a-be (okíkiabe) - they talk with one another
o-ki-ki-e (okíkkie)
- talk to a relation, o-a-ki-ki-e (oákikkie) -
I talk with my relation, o-da-ki-ki-e (odákikkie) - you talk with your relation (RR-Quapaw)
u-gi-ʰki-e (u-gí-ḳi-e)
- to speak to a friend or some relation, u-wa-gi-ʰki-e
(u-wá-gi-ḳi-e) - I spoke to a relative,
u-tha-gi-ʰki-e (u-thá-gi-ḳi-e) - you spoke to a
relative, oⁿ-gu-gi-ʰki-a i (oⁿ-gú-gi-ḳi-a i) -
we spoke to relatives, u-gi-ʰki-a (u-gí-ḳi-a)
- speak to him, he who is yours (FL-Osage)
o-ki-ʰki-e (okíʰkie)
- speak to one’s own relative, family, or friends (CQ-Osage)
o-gi-ki-ye (ogíkiye)
talk with one's own, kinsman or friend, o-a-gi-ki-ye (oágikiye)
- I talk with my own, aⁿ-wi-gi-ye (aⁿwígikiye)
- I talked with you, o-ya-gi-ki-ye (oyágikiye)
- you talk with your own, o-gi-ki-ya-be (ogíkiyabe)
- he/she/it talk to their own, aⁿ-go-gi-ki-ya-be
(aⁿgógikiyabe) - we talk to our own, o-ya-gi-ki-ya-be
(oyágikiyabe) - you all talk to your own, o-gi-ki-ya-be
(ogíkiyabe) - they talk to their own (Kanza)
i-ye (iyé),
i-e (ie) - say, i-he (ihé) - I say, i-she (išé) - you say, aⁿ-naⁿ-we (ąną́we)
- we say (RR-Quapaw)
i-ye (iye)
- speak, talk, speaker, word, language (Omaha)
u-kʰi-tʰe i-e (ukʰítʰe ié)
- foreign word, foreign language (Omaha/Ponca)
e (e)
- to say, e-pshe (e-pshe), e-gi-pshe (é-gi-pshe)
- I say, e-she (e-she) - you say, e-oⁿ-gi-thoⁿ
i (e-oⁿ-gi-thoⁿ i) - we said (FL-Osage)
e (ée)
- say, ask or tell someone to do something, e-pshe (épše), e-ki-pshe (ékipše) - I say,
e-she (ešé), e-ki-she (ékiše) - you
say (CQ-Osage)
e-ki-e (ékie)
- say, talk for another, talk in the presence of others, e-ki-pshe (ékipše) - I say, I said, e-ki-she
(ékiše) - you said, e-aⁿ-ki-e (éąkie)
- we say (CQ-Osage)
e (e),
(ee) -
say, e-phe (ephé) - I say , e-she (eshé)
- you say, e (éé) - he/she/it say, aⁿ-ga-be
(aⁿgábe) - we say, e-sha-be (eshábe) -
you all say, a-be (ábe) - they say (Kanza)
i-ye (íye)
- talk, speak, i-da (idá) - I talk, speak, i-da (ída) - you talk, speak, aⁿ-naⁿ-we (ąną́we)
- we talk, speak (RR-Quapaw)
sa-gi i-e (sagí ie), i-e sa-gi (í-e sa-gí)
- loud speech, to speak loud and fast, to speak firmly;
earnestly or vehemently, sa-gi i-tha-e (sagi i¢áe)
- I speak loud, sa-gi i-tha-e (sagi í¢ae) -
you speak loud, sa-gi aⁿ-tha-a i (sagi aⁿ¢aⁿ′ai)
- we speak loud (Omaha/Ponca)
i-e (í-e)
- a language, to speak, i-tha-e (i-thá-e) - I
speak, i-tha-e (í-tha-e) - you speak
i-e (íe)
- talk about, discuss, speak of, talk, say, speak, make a
speech or talk, speak a language, word, words, language,
teachings, one’s word, speech, prayer, i-tha-e (iðáe),
i-thai (iðái) - I speak of it, i-tha-e (íðae),
i-thai (íðai) - you speak of it (CQ-Osage)