
de-ho-di-ki  o-tʰiⁿ  (dehodíkki otʰí̜)  

drum - to hit, strike

Speaker - Maude Supernaw


de-xo-di-tiⁿ o-tiⁿ (d˘exud˘itiⁿ utiⁿ)

drum, beat drum, strike (JOD-Quapaw)


de-ho-di-ki (dehodíkki)

drum (RR-Quapaw)


o-tʰiⁿ (otʰį́)

strike, slap, hit (RR-Quapaw)


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • ʰtse-xe-ni (ṭsé-xe-ni) - tomtom, drum (FL-Osage)
  • tse-xe-ni (céɣenii) - drum (CQ-Osage)
  • je-ghe-yiⁿ (jégheyiⁿ), je-ghe iⁿ (jeghe iⁿ) - drum, the Kansa use two kinds, the zhaⁿ je-ghe yiⁿ (zháⁿjegheyiⁿ) and the je-ghe-yiⁿ da-zhe (jégheyiⁿ dázhe) or round drum, which is flatter and lighter than the other (Kanza)


  • de-xe (déγe) - pot, kettle (RR-Quapaw)
  • the-xe (théxe) - kettle, pot, pail, bucket (Omaha/Ponca)
  • ne-xe (nexe) - kettle, bucket, water vessel, bladder, pail, pot (Omaha)
  • ʰtse-xe (ṭsé-xe) - kettle, a pot for cooking, a tin pail (FL-Osage)
  • tse-xe (céɣe) - bucket, pail, kettle, pot (CQ-Osage)
  • je-ghe (jéghe) - kettle, bucket, pot (Kanza)


  • di (di) - by hand pulling (RR-Quapaw)
  • thi (đi) - by hand pulling (RR-Omaha/Ponca)
  • thu (đu), thi (đi) - action by hand, cause, make not necessarily by hand (CQ-Osage)
  • yu (yu) - instrumental prefix: cause by using the hands; also, a general causative (Kanza)


  • o-tʰiⁿ (otʰį́) - strike, slap, hit, o-a-tʰiⁿ (oátʰį) - I strike, slap, hit, o-da-tʰiⁿ (odátʰį) - you strike, slap, hit, oⁿ-ko-tʰiⁿ-we (ǫkóTįwe) - we strike, slap, hit, o-aⁿ-tʰiⁿ (oą́tʰį) - she/he hit me, o-aⁿ-da-į (oą́datʰį) - you hit me, o-wi-į (owítʰį) - I hit you (RR-Quapaw)
  • u-tsiⁿ (ú-tsiⁿ) - to maul, to beat, to pound, to strike, to give a drubbing, to thrash, u-wa-tsiⁿ (u-wá-tsiⁿ) - I struck him, u-tha-tsiⁿ (u-thá-tsiⁿ) - you struck him, oⁿ-gu-tsiⁿ i (oⁿ-gú-tsiⁿ i) - we struck him (FL-Osage)
  • o-tsʰiⁿ (ocʰí) - whip strongly, beat up, spank or get someone, drup, thrash, o-a-tsʰiⁿ (oácʰį) - I whip (CQ-Osage)
  • o-tsʰiⁿ (ócʰį) - hit or beat things, such as a drum (CQ-Osage)
  • chiⁿ (čhiⁿ) - strike, beat, a-chiⁿ (ačhį´) - I struck it, ya-chiⁿ (yačhį´) - you struck it, aⁿ-chiⁿ (ąčhį´) - you and I struck it, aⁿ-chiⁿ-be (ąčhímbe) - we struck it, ya-chiⁿ-be (yačhímbe) - you all struck it, chiⁿ-be (čhímbe) - they struck it (Kanza)
  • i-chiⁿ (íčhiⁿ) - strike with something (Kanza)
  • we-tʰiⁿ (wétʰiⁿ) - to hit them with it, a weapon, instrument used for hitting (Omaha/Ponca)