de (de)
- go, bde (bdé) - I go, te (tté)
- you go, aⁿ-ka-de (ąkáde) - we go, dual, aⁿ-ka-da-we (ąkádawe), oⁿ-ka-da-we (ǫkádawe)
- we go, plural (RR-Quapaw)
da-we (d¢a-we)
- they go (JOD-Quapaw)
the (the)
- go, to go, to depart, bthe (b¢e) - I go, zhne (c͓né)
- you go, aⁿ-ga-the (añgá¢e) - we go
the (the)
- to go, bthe (bthe) - I go, stse (stse)
- you go, oⁿ-ga-tha i (oⁿ-gá-tha i) - we go
the (ðée),
a-the (aðée) - go there, motion underway, set
out for there, be on the way there, leave, be leaving, go
foreword, set out, start off, bre (brée) - I
go, shtse (šcée) - you go, aⁿ-ka-the (ąkáðe)
- we go (CQ-Osage)
ye (ye)
- go, be going, ble (ble) - I go, ʰne (ʰne)
- you go, aⁿ-ga-ye (aⁿgáye) - we [dual] go, aⁿ-ga-ya-be (aⁿgáyabe) - we [plural] go,
a-ʰna-be (aʰnábe) - you all go, a-ya-be (ayábe)
- they go (Kanza)