snow, snowing
po-i-de (poíde), (póide)
snow (RR-Quapaw)
po (po)
snow (RR-Quapaw)
Dhegiha Language Family Comparison
po-i-de (poíde), (póide)
- snow (RR-Quapaw)
ma-the (máthe)
- to snow (Omaha/Ponca)
ma-the (máthe)
- snowing, snowflake, snow (Omaha)
ba-hiu-the (ba-hiú-the)
- ba, snow; hiu-the, coming:
snowstorm (FL-Osage)
pa hu-the (pá húðe)
- snow, snowfall, snow coming down, falling snow (CQ-Osage)
ba-hu-ye (bahúye), ba-hu-ya (bahúya)
- to snow, be snowing, the time when snow comes (Kanza)
po (po)
- snow (RR-Quapaw)
ma (ma)
- snow (Omaha/Ponca)
ba (ba)
- snow (FL-Osage)
pa (pá)
- snow (CQ-Osage)
ba (ba)
- snow (Kanza)
hi-de (híde)
- precipitate, as rain, snow (RR-Quapaw)
hiu-the (hiú-the)
- coming, to cause to come (FL-Osage)
hu-the (húðe)
- cause to come here, send here, come here, hand over, hand
to, pass to by hand or other means (CQ-Osage)
hu-ye (húye)
- relating to weather, blowing, precipitating (Kanza)