pop, soda pop
ni po-to-xe (nippóttoxe)
soda pop, exploding water (RR-Quapaw)
Dhegiha Language Family Comparison
ni po-to-xe (nippóttoxe)
- soda pop, exploding water (RR-Quapaw)
ni ka-pxo-ʰke (niikáapxoʰke)
- soda pop, soft drink, literally, liquid explodes (CQ-Osage)
ni ga-pʰo-ke (ni gaphóke),
ni ga-pʰo-ki (ní gaphóki) - soda pop (Kanza)
ni (ni)
- water, liquid, stream, lake (RR-Quapaw)
ni (ni)
- water, liquid, river (Omaha/Ponca)
ni (ni)
- water, river, rivulet, creek (FL-Osage)
ni (níi)
- water, any fluid, liquid (CQ-Osage)
ni (ni)
- water, river, liquid (Kanza)
po-to-xi (póttoxi)
- burst from a shot or punch (RR-Quapaw)
ta-to-xi (táttoxi)
- burst, to cause by burning (RR-Quapaw)
ba-to-xi (battóxi)
- burst by punching, pushing (RR-Quapaw)
bi-to-xi (bittóxi)
- burst from pressure/weight (RR-Quapaw)
di-to-to-xi (dittóttoxi)
- thunder, one of the sounds of (RR-Quapaw)
di-to-xi (dittóxi)
- discharge, make a bang (RR-Quapaw)
ka-to-xi (kattóxi)
- burst, break open (RR-Quapaw)
naⁿ-to-xi (nąttóxi)
- step on and burst something (RR-Quapaw)
da-ʰpo-ʰki (dá-p̣o-ḳi)
- to explode, percussion (FL-Osage)
ga-ʰpo-ki (ga-p̣ó-ḳi)
- to make a dull thud or sound by striking a soft object
ga-po-ʰki-oⁿ-he (ga-pó-ḳi-oⁿ-he)
- to crash with a blow (FL-Osage)
thi-ʰpo-ki (thi-p̣ó-ḳi)
- a report, as from the firing of a gun (FL-Osage)
ka-pxo-ʰke (kaapxóʰke)
- burst, explode, pop, hit someone on the back, knocking the
wind out, stun, crash (CQ-Osage)
bu-pʰo-ke (buphóke)
- popping sound from bursting (Kanza)
ga-pʰo-ki (gaphóki)
- popping sound made when hitting (Kanza)
ʰpo-ʰki-e (p̣o-ḳi-é)
- a sound like a report of a gun or a popgun (FL-Osage)
pʰo-ki (phoki),
pʰo-ke (phoke) - thudding, popping (Kanza)