

wa-ka-ka-xe (wakákaγe)

picture (RR-Quapaw)


Do you want to go to the show?  
wa-ka-ka-xe  shkoⁿ  ki-de  te  shkoⁿ-ta  (wakákaγe  škǫ  kíde  tté  škǫttá) Speaker - Odestine McWatters
picture - move - cause itself - you go - you want  


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • wa-ka-ka-xe (wakákaγe) - picture (RR-Quapaw)
  • wa-ga-xe (wa-gá-xe) - a picture of, a symbol of (FL-Osage)


  • iⁿ-de u-ga-xa (iⁿde ugaxe) - photograph (Omaha)
  • iⁿ-de wa-ga-xe u-gthoⁿ (iⁿde wagaxe ugthoⁿ) - picture frame (Omaha)
  • iⁿ-de u-ga-xe (iⁿde ugaxe), iⁿ-de wa-ga-xe (iⁿde wagaxe) - photograph, picture (Omaha)


  • wa-ka-ka-xe  shkoⁿ  ki-de  (wakákaγe  škǫ  kíde) - movie, show, "picture - move - cause itself" (Quapaw-OM)
  • iⁿ-de wa-ga-xe shkoⁿ shkoⁿ (iⁿde wagaxe shkoⁿshkoⁿ) - movie (Omaha)
  • u-ga-xe shkoⁿ shkoⁿ (ugaxe-shkoⁿshkoⁿ) - television, "picture moving" (Omaha)