movie, show


wa-ka-ka-xe  shkoⁿ  ki-de  (wakákaγe  škǫ  kíde)

picture - move - cause itself  

Do you want to go to the show?  

wa-ka-ka-xe  shkoⁿ  ki-de  te  shkoⁿ-ta  (wakákaγe  škǫ  kíde  tté  škǫttá)

Speaker - Odestine McWatters
picture - move - cause itself - you go - you want  


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • wa-ka-ka-xe  shkoⁿ  ki-de  (wakákaγe  škǫ  kíde) - movie, show (OM-Quapaw)
  • iⁿ-de wa-ga-xe shkoⁿ shkoⁿ (iⁿde wagaxe shkoⁿshkoⁿ) - movie (Omaha)


  • wa-ka-ka-xe (wakákaγe) - picture (RR-Quapaw)
  • iⁿ-de u-ga-xe (iⁿde ugaxe), iⁿ-de wa-ga-xe (iⁿde wagaxe) - photograph, picture (Omaha)


  • shkoⁿ (škǫ) - move, a-shkoⁿ (aškǫ́) - I move, da-shkoⁿ (daškǫ́) - you move (RR-Quapaw)
  • shkoⁿ (shkoⁿ) - move, act, do, to act, be active, move around, do, a-shkoⁿ (ackaⁿ) - I move, tha-shkoⁿ (¢ackaⁿ) - you, aⁿ-shkoⁿi (aⁿckaⁿi) - we (Omaha/Ponca)
  • shkoⁿ (shkoⁿ) - to move, to stir, to be active, a-shkoⁿ (á-shkoⁿ) - I move, I am active, tha-shkoⁿ (tha-shkoⁿ´) - you move, you are active, oⁿ-shkoⁿ i (oⁿ-shkoⁿ i) - we are active (FL-Osage)
  • shkaⁿ (šką́) - move, change, as weather, go on, continue, start, a-shkaⁿ (ašką́ą) - I go on (CQ-Osage)
  • shkaⁿ (shkaⁿ) - move around, stir, a-shkaⁿ (ashkáⁿ) - I move around, ya-shkaⁿ (yashkáⁿ) - you move around, shkaⁿ (shkaⁿ) - he/she/it move around, aⁿ-shkaⁿ-be (aⁿshkáⁿbe) - we move around, ya-shkaⁿ-be (yashkáⁿbe) - you all move around, shkaⁿ-be (shkáⁿbe) - they move around (Kanza)


  • ki-de (kíde) - cause one's own, reflexive-possessive causative (RR-Quapaw)
  • gi-de (gi-the) - make to be (FL-Osage)
  • ʰki-the (ʰkíðe) - make oneself, to do or be (CQ-Osage)
  • ki-the (kíðe) - make or have someone engage voluntarily in some act, let or allow someone to do something (CQ-Osage)
  • kʰi-ye (khíye) - cause to do, let, allow to do, dative causative auxiliary (Kanza)