make, do, cause


ka-xe (káγe)


make, do, cause (RR-Quapaw)



you made (you make).


shka-xe  (škáγe)

Speaker - Maude Supernaw

you make



What are you making?

ta-taⁿ  shka-xe  ni-khe  (táttą škáγe nikhé) Speaker - Maude Supernaw

what - you make - you sitting, doing that



You made hand wet.  
naⁿ-pe  shpoⁿ  hi  shka-xe  (nąpé špǫ hi škáγe) Speaker - Maude Supernaw
hand - wet - very - you cause, make  


Who done that?  
hu-wa  ka-xe  (húwa káγe)

Speaker - Maude Supernaw

who - make, do, cause




ma-kaⁿ  ka-xe  (makką́ káγe) Speaker - Maude Supernaw
medicine - make  


Cloud Maker, Making Clouds (personal name)

ma-xpi  ka-xe (maxpí káγe) Speaker - Maude Supernaw
cloud - make, do, cause  


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • ka-xe (káγe) - make, do, cause, pa-xe (ppáγe) - I make, do, cause, shka-xe  (škáγe) - you make, do cause (RR-Quapaw)
  • ga-xe (gáxe) - make (Omaha/Ponca)
  • ga-xe (gaxe) - made, make, creator, consume, construct, brew, build, erect, distill, develop, commit, create, dance (Omaha)
  • ga-xe (gá-xe) - to make, to perform, ʰpa-xe (p̩á-xe) - I make, shka-xe (shká-xe) - you make, oⁿ-ga-xa i (oⁿ-gá-xa i) - we make (FL-Osage)
  • ka-xe (káaγe) - make, fix, prepare, bake, build, force someone to do something, cause something to be a certain way, turn on, do, perform, engage in, make it, ʰpa-xe (ʰpáaγe) - I make, shka-xe (škáaγe) - you make, aⁿ-ka-xe (ąkáaγe) - we make (CQ-Osage)
  • ga-ghe (gághe) - make, do, pretend, cause, (pághe) - I make, (shkághe) - you make, (gághe) - he/she/it make, (aⁿgághabe) - we make, (shkághabe) - you all make, (gághabe) - they make (Kanza)