brother, my younger brother
_______________________________________________________________________________________ wi-saⁿ-ka (wisą́ka) my younger brother (RR-Quapaw) _______________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ i-saⁿ-ke (isą́ke) cousin, male, brother (RR-Quapaw) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dhegiha Language Family Comparison · i-saⁿ-ka (isą́ka), i-soⁿ-ka (isó̜ka) - brother, someone's younger, wi-saⁿ-ka (wisą́ka) - my younger brother , di-saⁿ-ka (disą́ka) - your younger brother (RR-Quapaw) · i-soⁿ-ga (i-çoⁿ́-ga) - a younger brother, wi-soⁿ-ga (wi-çoⁿ́-ga) - brother, younger than myself, this is the ordinary use of the kinship term for my younger brother, but the same term is used ceremonially when no blood relationship exists, one member of a tribe may address members of the other gentes of the same division with this term, thi-soⁿ-ga (thi-çoⁿ́-ga) - your brother (FL-Osage) · i-soⁿ-ka (isó̜ka) - his younger brother, more precise than English “his brother”, wi-soⁿ-ka (wisó̜ka) - my younger brother, younger than the speaker, used only when speaker is male, also used by both men and women for related or unrelated younger male, thi-soⁿ-ka (ðisó̜ka) - your younger brother, used when speaking to a man (CQ-Osage) · i-soⁿ-ga (isóⁿga) - man's younger brother, i-soⁿ-ga (isóⁿga), i-soⁿ-yaⁿ (isóⁿyaⁿ) - woman's younger brother wi-soⁿ-ga (wisóⁿga) - my younger brother, male or female speaking; my younger step-brother, male or female speaking; my father's brother's son, younger than, myself, male or female speaking; my mother's sister's son, younger than myself, male speaking or female speaking; my father's father's brother's son's son, younger than myself, male speaking; my wife's sister's husband (Kanza) |