kde (kdé)
- go home, to start homeward, a-kde (akdé)
- I go home, I start homeward, da-kde (dakdé)
- you go home, you start homeward (RR-Quapaw)
gthe (gthe)
- go, to go back, go homeward, a-gthe (ag¢é)
- I go back, I go homeward, tha-gthe (¢ag¢é) -
you go back, you go homeward, aⁿ-ga-gtha
i (añgág¢ai)
- we go back, we go homeward
gthe (gthe)
- to go home,
a-gthe (á-ghte)
- I go home, tha-gthe (thá-gthe) - you go
home, oⁿ-ga-gtha
i (oⁿ-gá-gtha
i) - we go
a-le (alée)
- initial a is often omitted in 3rd person and
imperative, go back there, return there, go home, motion
underway, a-le (alée) - I
return there, tha-le (ðalée) - you return
there, aⁿ-ka-le
(ąkále) - we
return there (CQ-Osage)