naⁿ-pe-hi (nąppéhi)
- hungry, to be, naⁿ-pe-aⁿ-hi (ną́ppeą́hi) -
I’m hungry, naⁿ-pe-di-hi (nąppédihi) - your
hungry, naⁿ-pe-wa-hi-we (nąppewahiwé) - we are
hungry (RR-Quapaw)
noⁿ-pe-oⁿ-hi (noⁿpeoⁿ hi)
- hungry (Omaha)
noⁿ-ʰpe-hi (noⁿ-p̩é-hi)
- to be hungry, noⁿ-ʰpe-oⁿ-hi (noⁿ́-p̩e-oⁿ-hi)
- I am hungry, noⁿ-ʰpe-thi-hi (noⁿ́-p̩e-thi-hi) - you are hungry; noⁿ-ʰpe-a-wa-hi i (noⁿ́-p̩e-a-wa-hi
i) - we are hungry (FL-Osage)
noⁿ-pe-hi (noⁿpéhi) - be hungry, noⁿ-pe-aⁿ-hi (nompéaⁿhi) - I’m
hungry, noⁿ-pe-yi-hi (nompéyihi)
- you are hungry, wa-noⁿ-pe-hi (wanómpehi) -
you & I are hungry, wa-noⁿ-pe-hi-be (wanómpehibe) -we are hungry, noⁿ-pe-yi-hi-be (nompéyihibe)
-you all are hungry, noⁿ-pe-hi-be (nompéhibe)
- they are hungry (Kanza)