

we-da-di-ski (wédadíski)

scissors Speaker - Maude Supernaw


we-da-di-ski (wédadíski)

scissors (RR-Quapaw)


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • we-da-di-ski (wédadíski) - scissors (RR-Quapaw)
  • a-di-ski (ádiski) - cut off all the hair, shave, a-bdi-ski (ábdiski) - I cut off all the hair, shave, a-ti-ski (áttiski) - you cut off all the hair, shave (RR-Quapaw)
  • ni-zhi-ha a-di-ski (nižíha ádiski) - shave the head, crop short (RR-Quapaw)


  • u-thi-ski (uthíski) - press, squeeze, to press or squeeze a handful until it is hard (Omaha/Ponca)
  • zhu thi-ski u-ki-gthoⁿ (zhú thiskí ukígthoⁿ) - crouch, tremble, to hold one's body together, crouching and trembling (Omaha/Ponca)
  • thi-ski (điiskí) - grab, grasp someone by the scruff of the neck, wad up or wad together (CQ-Osage)
  • thi-ski (thi-çkí) - men or animals gathered closely together (FL-Osage)
  • yu-ski (yuskí), yu-sku (yuskú) - collect, gather, assemble (Kanza)


  • di-ski-ke (diskíke) - clench, pack in the hands, bdi-ski-ke (bdískike) - I clench, pack in the hands, ti-ski-ke (ttískike) - you clench, pack in the hands (RR-Quapaw)
  • di-ski-ski-ke (diskískike) - pack, e.g. snowballs, with hands, bdi-ski-ski-ke (bdískiskike) - I pack with hands, ti-ski-ski-ke (ttískiskike) - you pack with hands (RR-Quapaw)
  • thi-ski-ke (điiskíke) - wad up, bring the parts of a whole together with pressure, bring components into contact, make a fist, grind together, gather, shtsi-ski-ke (šcíiskike) - wad up, bring the parts of a whole together with pressure, bring components into contact, make a fist, grind together, gather (CQ-Osage)
  • i-yu-ski-ge (íyuskíge) - compress with the hand, wad up, as a snowball (Kanza)


  • thi-thi-ski (thi-thí-çki) - to gather together, to gather compactly together, bthi-thi-ski (bthí-thi-çki) - I gathered them compactly, ni-thi-ski (ní-thi-çki) - you gathered them compactly, oⁿ-thi-thi-ski i (oⁿ-thí-çki i) - we gathered them compactly (FL-Osage)
  • yu-yu-ski (yuyúski) - collect, pull things together; assemble (Kanza)


  • wa-thi-ski (wa-thí-çki) - to assemble, to gather together men for council (FL-Osage)
  • wa-thi-ski (wađíiski) - gather together, gather with someone, gathering of people (CQ-Osage)
  • wa-yi-ski (wayíski), wa-yu-ski (wayúski) - be in gathered in piles or heaps (Kanza)