ki-ho-taⁿ (kíhottą)
convalesce, improve (RR-Quapaw)
She liked it.
ye wa-x′o koi (kíhottą ye waxʔó
Speaker - Maude Supernaw
to like - past - woman - there
Dhegiha Language Family Comparison
ho-taⁿ (hóttą)
- good, aⁿ-ho-taⁿ (ąhóttą) - I’m good,
di-ho-taⁿ (dihóttą) - your good (RR-Quapaw)
ki-ho-taⁿ (kíhottą)
- convalesce, improve, aⁿ-ho-taⁿ (ą́hottą) - I
convalesce, improve, di-ho-taⁿ (díhottą) - you
convalesce, improve (RR-Quapaw)
ki-ho-taⁿ a-ta-ha-zhi (kíhottą áttaháži)
- dislike something intensely, aⁿ-ho-taⁿ a-ta-ha-zhi (ą́hottą
áttaháži) - I dislike something intensely,
di-ho-taⁿ a-ta-ha-zhi (díhottą áttaháži) - you
dislike something intensely (RR-Quapaw)
ki (kkik) - reflexive-reciprocal, ourselves, each other (RR-Quapaw)
ki (ki) - dative-possessive-benefactive, his, hers, for him, for her (RR-Quapaw)
or ki (k~kik) - suus, reflexive-possessive, one’s own
ki (ki) - returning to here, be
ʰki (ʰkik) - reflexive, oneself, subject’s own; reflexive-benefactive, for
subject’s own self, for subject’s own; reciprocal, each
other, for each other (CQ-Osage)
ki (ki) - dative, to someone; benefactive, for someone, in someone’s
place, someone else’s, with respect to someone else, with
involvement of someone else, for him, to his, on his, his;
inceptive, again, anew, redo, pay back (CQ-Osage)
ki (kik) - suus, reflexive possessive, subject’s own things or persons (CQ-Osage)
ki (kik)
- vertitive, return in motion verbs (CQ-Osage)
ki (ki(g))
reciprocal, each other, one another (Kanza)
ki (ki(g))
reflexive, oneself (Kanza)
gi (gi)
dative, to someone (Kanza)
gi (gi(g))
suus, one's own (Kanza)
gi (gi)
vertitive, motion back to somewhere, go back, return (Kanza)