run fast, as a person not an animal


taⁿ-niⁿ  so-te  hi  (ttą́nį sotté hi)


run - fast - very, really

Speaker - Maude Supernaw


taⁿ-niⁿ (ttą́nį)

run, as a person not an animal (RR-quapaw)


so-te (sotté)

fast, swift of an animal (RR-quapaw)


hi (hi)

very; with numerals: just, only (RR-quapaw)


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • taⁿ-niⁿ (ttą́nį) - run, as a person not an animal, a-taⁿ-bdiⁿ (attą́bdį) - I run, da-taⁿ-tiⁿ (dattą́ttį) - you run, oⁿ-taⁿ-niⁿ-we (ǫttą́nįwe) - we run (RR-Quapaw)
  • toⁿ-thiⁿ (tóⁿthiⁿ) - run, to run, said of a person, not of an animal, a-taⁿ-bthiⁿ (at͓aⁿb˘iⁿ) - I run, tha-taⁿ-shniⁿ (˘at͓aⁿ´c͓niⁿ), tha-taⁿ-hniⁿ (˘at͓aⁿhniⁿ) - you run, aⁿ-taⁿ-thiⁿ i (aⁿt͓aⁿ˘iⁿi) - we run (Omaha/Ponca)
  • ʰtoⁿ-thiⁿ (ṭoⁿ´-thiⁿ) - to run, the running of a two legged animal, a-ʰtoⁿ-bthiⁿ (a-ṭoⁿ´-bthiⁿ) - I run, tha-ʰtoⁿ-ni (tha-ṭoⁿ´-ni) - you run, oⁿ-ʰtoⁿ-thiⁿ i (oⁿ-ṭoⁿ´-thiⁿ i) - we run (FL-Osage)
  • ʰtaⁿ-thiⁿ (ʰtą́ąđį) - run, hurry along, walk fast, move fast (CQ-Osage)
  • taⁿ-yiⁿ (táⁿyiⁿ), toⁿ-yiⁿ (tóⁿyiⁿ) - run, as a person on two legs, a-taⁿ-bliⁿ (atáⁿbliⁿ) - I run, ya-taⁿ-hniⁿ (yatáⁿhniⁿ) - you run, taⁿ-yiⁿ (táⁿyiⁿ) - he/she/it run, aⁿ-taⁿ-yiⁿ-be (aⁿtáⁿyiⁿbe) - we run, ya-taⁿ-hni-be (yatáⁿhniⁿbe) - you all run, taⁿ-yiⁿ-be (táⁿyiⁿbe) - they run (Kanza)