* kde-bnaⁿ-taⁿ miⁿ-xti a-kniⁿ (kdébnąttą́ mí̜xti áknį)
- eleven, 10 when 1 sitting on, same as miⁿ-xti a-kniⁿ
(mįxti aknį), the contracted and more common
form (RR-Quapaw)
a-gthiⁿ (ágthiⁿ)
- sit, to sit on something, a-a-gthiⁿ (áag¢iⁿ)
- I sit, a-tha-gthiⁿ (á¢ag¢iⁿ) - you sit, aⁿ-ga-gthiⁿ i (añgag¢iⁿ i) - we sit (Omaha/Ponca)
a-gthiⁿ (á-gthiⁿ)
- to sit upon, to sit upon a cushion, robe, or chair,
a-a-gthiⁿ (á-a-gthiⁿ) - I sit upon, I sit on a
cushion, a-tha-gthiⁿ (á-tha-gthiⁿ) - you sit
upon, you sit on a cushion, oⁿ-ga-gthiⁿ i (oⁿ-ga-gthiⁿ
i) - we sit on a cushion (FL-Osage)
a-dliⁿ (ádlįi), a-liⁿ (álįį)
- sit upon, ride on, place upon, upon, chair, a-tha-liⁿ
(áðalįį) - you sit upon (CQ-Osage)
a-liⁿ (áliⁿ)
- sit on, chair, teen formative (Kanza)
a-li (áli), a-liⁿ (áliⁿ) - sit on something, sit on,
chair, teen formative, a-liⁿ
- I sit on, a-ya-liⁿ (áyaliⁿ) - you sit on, a-liⁿ (áliⁿ) - he/she/it sit on, aⁿ-ga-liⁿ-be
(aⁿgáliⁿbe) - we sit on, a-ya-liⁿ-be (áyaliⁿbe)
- you all sit on, a-liⁿ-be (áliⁿbe) - they sit
on (Kanza)
kniⁿ (knį),
kdiⁿ (kdį) - sit, be in a place, camp, be
sitting, a-kniⁿ (áknį) - I sit, be in a place,
camp, be sitting, da-kniⁿ (dáknį) - you sit,
be in a place, camp, be sitting, oⁿ-kniⁿ-we (ǫkní̜we)
- we sit, be in a place, camp, be sitting (RR-Quapaw)
gthiⁿ (g¢iⁿ′)
- he sit, a-gthiⁿ (ag¢iⁿ′) - I sit,
tha-gthiⁿ (¢ag¢iⁿ) - you sit, aⁿ-gthiⁿ i (añg¢iⁿ′i)
- we sit (Omaha-JOD)
gthiⁿ (gthiⁿ)
- to sit, a-gthiⁿ (a-gthiⁿ) - I sit,
tha-gthiⁿ (tha-gthiⁿ) - you sit, oⁿ-gthiⁿ i
(oⁿ-ghtiⁿ i) - we sit (FL-Osage)
liⁿ (lí̜į)
- sit (CQ-Osage)
gliⁿ (glíⁿ)
- sit (Kanza)
liⁿ (liⁿ)
- sit, stay, remain, dwell, live, reside, continue, a-liⁿ
(alíⁿ) - I sit, ya-liⁿ (yalíⁿ) - you
sit, liⁿ (liⁿ) - he/she/it sit, aⁿ-liⁿ-be
(aⁿlíⁿbe) - we sit, ya-liⁿ-be (yalíⁿbe)
- you all sit, liⁿ-be (líⁿbe) - they sit (Kanza)