buffalo hide, buffalo skin

te-ha  (tte há)  
buffalo - hide Speaker - Maude Supernaw


te-ha (tte há)

buffalo skin, hide (RR-Quapaw)


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

·         te-ha (tte há) - buffalo skin, hide (RR-Quapaw)

·         te-ha (téha) - buffalo hide, buffalo skin, buffalo hide obtained during the summer hunt, with thin hair (Omaha/Ponca)

·         tse-ha (céha) - buffalo robe (Kanza)


·         te (tte) - buffalo (RR-Quapaw)

·         te (te) - buffalo (Omaha/Ponca)

·         ʰtse (t̩se) - bison (FL-Osage)

·         ʰtse (ʰcée) - buffalo (CQ-Osage)

·         tse (ce) - buffalo, usually the cow (Kanza)


·         ha (ha) - skin, bark (RR-Quapaw)

·         wa-ha (wahá) - skin, animal skin (Omaha/Ponca)

·         ha (ha) - leather, skin, shell (Omaha)

·         ha (ha) - skin of any animal, the bark of a tree, shell of nuts, cuticle (FL-Osage)

·         xu-ha (xú-ha) - the skin of a person or animal (FL-Osage)

·         xiⁿ-ha (xiⁿ-ha) - skin of a human being or bark of a tree (FL-Osage)

·         ha (háa) - hide, skin of an animal, rind, fabric, cloth, surface (CQ-Osage)

·         xu-ha (xúhaa) - skin, hide, bark (CQ-Osage)

·         xu-ha (xuhá) - skin of a human or animal, hide (Kanza)