

i-ka-pʰe (íkapʰe)  

with which to - comb

Speaker - Odestine McWatters


i-ka-pʰe (íkapʰe)

comb (RR-Quapaw)


Looking for old comb (I'm looking for a comb).  

i-ka-pʰe  o-a-te  miⁿ-khe  (íkapʰe oátte mįkhé)

Speaker - Maude Supernaw
comb - I look for - I sitting, doing that  


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

·         i (í) - with, using, as a means of or to (CQ-Osage)


·         ka-pʰe (kapʰé) - comb, a-pʰe (ápʰe) - I comb, da-pʰe (dápʰe) - you comb (RR-Quapaw)

·         ka-pshe (kaapše) - brush or comb, one's hair, curry an animal's coat (CQ-Osage)


·         i-ka-pʰe (íkapʰe) - comb (RR-Quapaw)

·         we-ga-pshe (wé -ga-pshe) - a comb (FL-Osage)

·         we-ka-pshe (wékaapše) - brush or comb for the hair, hairbrush (CQ-Osage)

·         ni-ka-pʰe (nikápʰe) - comb (Kanza)