i-haⁿ (ihą́),
i-hoⁿ (ihǫ́), e-haⁿ (ehą́)
- mother, someone's, iⁿ-da (įdá) - my mother,
di-haⁿ (dihą́) - your mother (RR-Quapaw)
i-hoⁿ (ihóⁿ)
- mother, someone's mother, his or her mother, iⁿ-na-ha
(íⁿnaⁿ ha) - my mother, thi-ha (˘íha)
- your mother (Omaha/Ponca)
i-hoⁿ (i-hoⁿ´)
- mother, i-noⁿ (í-noⁿ) - mother, i-na (i-na)
- when addressing the mother, i-noⁿ-hoⁿ (í-noⁿ-hoⁿ)
- my mother, thi-hoⁿ (thi-hoⁿ´) - your mother
i-hoⁿ (iihǫ́)
- his/her mother, the/a mother, his/her mother's older
sister, his/her maternal aunt, more precise than English,
his/her aunt, i-naⁿ (iiną́) - my mother, my
mother's sister, my maternal aunt, either younger or older
than my mother, more precise than English, my aunt,
thi-hoⁿ (điihǫ́) - your mother, used by anyone
speaking to a man or a woman (CQ-Osage)
i-hoⁿ (ihóⁿ)
- his or her mother, i-na-ye (inayé)
- My Mother! (said by a man addressing his own mother), i-na-ye a (ínaye á) - My Mother! (said by a woman
addressing her own mother),i-naⁿ (ináⁿ)
- my mother, my father's brother's wife, my mother's
brother's daughter--older than myself (male or female
speaking), my mother's brother's daughter-younger than
myself (male or female speaking), my mother's brother's
son's daughter (male speaking or female), my mother's
sister, my mother's mother's brother's son's daughter
(female speaking), my mother's mother's brother's son's
son's daughter (male or female speaking), my mother's
mother's sister's daugther, my mother's mother's mother's
sister's daughter's daughter, my step-mother, yi-hoⁿ (yihóⁿ)
- your mother (Kanza)