school, school house


wa-kaⁿ-ze  ti  (waką́ze tti)

teacher - house Speaker - Maude Supernaw


i-ka-zo-zo  da-te  (íkazózo daté)

book, paper, letter - read aloud, call or name something

*Maude gives two translations, says wa-kaⁿ-ze ti (waką́ze tti) is best.


i-ka-zo-zo ka-xe o-ti (íkazózo káγe ottí)

school, school house (RR-Quapaw)


Dhegiha Language Family Comparison

  • wa-kaⁿ-ze (waką́ze) - teacher (RR-Quapaw)
  • wa-goⁿ-ze (wagoⁿçe) - minister, clergyman, educator, educate, teach, instruct (Omaha)
  • wa-goⁿ-ze (wagóⁿze) - teacher, missionary (Omaha/Ponca)
  • wa-goⁿ-ze (wa-goⁿ´-çe) - an instructor, a preceptor, a teacher, a preacher, wa-ʰpoⁿ-ze (wa-p̣oⁿ´-çe) - I teach, wa-shkoⁿ-ze (wa-shkoⁿ´-çe) - you teach, oⁿ-woⁿ-goⁿ-za i (oⁿ-woⁿ´goⁿ-ça i) - we teach (FL-Osage)
  • wa-koⁿ-ze (wakǫ́ze) - teach, teacher, minister (CQ-Osage)
  • wa-go-ze (wagóze) - teach, teacher, wa-po-ze (wapóze) - I teach, wa-shpo-ze (washpóze) - you teach, wa-go-ze (wagóze) - he/she/it teach, aⁿ-wa-go-za-be (aⁿwágozabe) - we teach, wa-shpo-za-be (washpózabe) - you all teach, wa-go-za-be (wagózabe) - they teach (Kanza)


  • ti (tti) - house, tent, dwelling (RR-Quapaw)
  • ti (ti) - house, lodge, tent, tipi, dwelling (Omaha/Ponca)
  • ʰtsi (ṭsi) - house, dwelling, hovel (FL-Osage)
  • ʰtsi (ʰcí) - house, nest, camp, make camp (CQ-Osage)
  • tsi (ci) - tent, lodge, house (Kanza)


  • i-ka-zo (íkazo) - write, draw, i-da-ka-zo (idákazó) - I write, draw, i-da-ka-zo (ídakazó) - you write, draw (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo i-ka-xe (íkazo ikáγe) - pencil, writing instrument (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-ye (íkazóye) - written, to have, i-da-ka-zo-ye (idákazóye) - I have written, i-da-ka-zo-ye (ídakazóye) - you have written (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-zo (íkazózo) - book, paper, letter (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-zo i-ka-xe (íkazózo ikáγe) - pen, writing instrument (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-zo ka-xe kniⁿ (íkazózo káγe knį) - clerk, he who sits writing (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-zo o-ti (íkazózo káγe ottí) - school, school house (RR-Quapaw)
  • i-ka-zo-zo ni (íkazózo ní) - ink (RR-Quapaw)


  • da-te (daté) - read aloud, call or name something, bda-te (bdáte) - I read aloud, call or name something, ta-te (ttáte) - you read aloud, call or name something (RR-Quapaw)
  • tha-de (thadé) - call, name, speak, utter, pronounce, btha-de (b˘áde) - I call, name, speak, utter, pronounce, shna-de (c͓náde) - you call, name, speak, utter, pronounce, tha-da i (˘adái), aⁿ-tha-da- i (aⁿ˘ádai) - we call, name, speak, utter, pronounce, thi-tha-da i (˘í˘adai) - he named you, aⁿ-tha-da i (aⁿ˘adai) - he named me, wi-btha-de (wíb˘ade) - I named you, e-da-daⁿ tha-da i a (edádaⁿ ˘adái ă) - what is it called, i-zha-zhe tha-de (ijáje ˘adé) - to call the name of (Omaha/Ponca)
  • tha-dse (tha-dsé) - to call as by name, to pronounce, btha-dse (bthá-dse) - I call by name, shda-dse (shdá-dse) - you call by name, oⁿ-tha-dsa i (oⁿ-thá-dsa i) - we call by name (FL-Osage)
  • tha-tse (đaacé) - say, pronounce, read, call on someone's name, say the name of something or someone, call, define as, assign a name to something or someone, use a name for something or someone, bra-tse (bráace) - I read it, wi-bra-tse (wíbraacé) - I call on your name, tha-ta-pe (đaatápe) - they call, they name (CQ-Osage)
  • ya-je (yajé) - read, pronounce, to call by name, bla-je (bláje) - I read, pronounce, wi-bla-je (wíblaje) - I read to you, hna-je (hnáje) - you read, pronounce, aⁿ-hna-je (áⁿhnaje) - you read to me, ya-je (yajé) - he/she/it read, pronounce, aⁿ-ya-da-be (aⁿyádabe) - we read, pronounce, aⁿ-ya-je aⁿ-ga-ye (aⁿyáje aⁿgáye) - we call, hna-da-be (hnádabe) - you all read, pronounce, ya-da-be (yadábe) - they read, pronounce (Kanza)