to, in, to there, in
ti (tti)
at, by, in (RR-Quapaw)
I go to town (I’m going to town). |
ti bde ta miⁿ-khe (ttǫ tti bdé tta mįkhé) |
Speaker - Maude Supernaw |
town - in, to, at, there - I go - future, will be - I sitting,
doing that |
You go to town (command/request). |
di-e toⁿ
da hne (díe ttǫ tti dá hné) |
Speaker - Maude Supernaw |
you - town - in, to, at, there - go (command) - request |
Why you go to town (Why are you going to town)? |
hoⁿ-niⁿ-taⁿ toⁿ
te ta ni-khe (hǫnį́ttą ttǫ tti tté tta nikhé) |
Speaker - Maude Supernaw |
why - town - in, to, at, there - you go - future, will
be - you sitting, doing that |
Dhegiha Language Family Comparison
ti (tti)
- at, by, in (RR-Quapaw)
dsi (dsi)
- there, designating place (FL-Osage)
tsi (ci)
- to, to something upright or vertical, in, at (CQ-Osage)
e-ti (ettí), (étti)
- there (RR-Quapaw)
e-di (edí)
- there (Omaha/Ponca)
e-di (edi)
- there, over there, at (Omaha)
e-dsi (e-dsi)
- there (FL-Osage)
e-tsi (ecí)
- in that place, be present/there, exist here/there, be at
that time (CQ-Osage)
e-ji (ejí), (éji)
- there, in that, place, to that place, thither (Kanza)