English to Quapaw Dictionary

Quapaw Sources Dhegiha Sources





si-kde (sikdé) - Track, male personal name of Old Man Hominy, often misspelled as Sig-Dah Track [MS]

Dhegiha: si-gthe (sigthé) - footprints; a footprint; in the track or trail of a person or animal [Omaha/Ponca]; si-gthe (çigthe) - foot print; animal track; foot path [Omaha]; si-gthe (çi-gthé) - track, footprint [FL-Osage]; si-dle (sidlé), si-le (silé), (síle) - footprints, a trail [Kaw]


track, bird’s track

wa-zhiⁿ-ka si-kde (wažį́ka síkde) - bird’s track(s)

cf. wa-zhiⁿ-ka (wažį́ka) - bird; si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track


track, footprint, trail

si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track

si-kde (sikdé) - track, footprint [MS]

cf. si (si) - foot

ex: si-kde tʰe (sikdé-tʰe) - the footprint

ex: si-kde a-shi-ti i-da-de (sikdé ášitti idáde) - I saw some footprints outside my house [MS]

ex: si-kde wi-ta zhi (sikdé wítta ži) - they're not my tracks [MS]

ex: si-kde di-ta e-koⁿ wi-ta zhi (sikdé dítta ekǫ́ wítta ži) - it looks just like your tracks, not mine [MS]

Dhegiha: si-gthe (sigthé) - footprints; a footprint; in the track or trail of a person or animal [Omaha/Ponca]; si-gthe (çigthe) - foot print; animal track; foot path [Omaha]; si-gthe (çi-gthé) - track, footprint [FL-Osage]; ʰta si-le ʰtawaⁿ (ʰtaasílee ʰtaáwą) - Tulsa, Oklahoma, literally, deer crossing town [CQ-Osage]; si-dle (sidlé), si-le (silé), (síle) - footprints, a trail [Kaw]


si-kde maⁿ-niⁿ (sikdé mąnį́) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track; maⁿ-niⁿ (mąnį́) - walk


si-kde naⁿ-pa (sikdé ną́pa) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track; naⁿ-pa (ną́pa), noⁿ-pa (nǫ́pa), noⁿ-ba (nǫ́ba) - two


si-kde naⁿ-po (sikdé ną́po) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track


si-kde naⁿ-po-i (sikdé nąpói) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track


si-kde taⁿ-ka (sikdé ttą́ka) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track; taⁿ-ka (ttą́ka) - big, large


si-kde xo-we (sikdé xówe) - masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track; xo-we (xówe) - sacred, holy


track, leave a mark or track

o-ka-maⁿ-te (okámątte) - leave a mark or track o-a-ka-maⁿ-te (oákamątte) - I, o-da-ka-maⁿ-te (odákamątte) - you


tracks, Tracks in the Prairie

ma-zhaⁿ ti si-kde (mažą́ tti sikdé) - Tracks in the Prairie, masculine name [JOD]

cf. ma-zhaⁿ (mažą́), ma-zhoⁿ (mažǫ́) - land; ti (tti) - at, by, in; si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track

Dhegiha: moⁿ-zhoⁿ dsi si-gthe (moⁿ-zhóⁿ-dsi çi-gthe) - Tracks on the Prairies, male personal name, refers to the bear tracks [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: ma-zhóⁿ a-di (mazhóⁿadi) - on the land [Omaha/Ponca]; moⁿ-zhoⁿ dsi (moⁿ-zhóⁿ dsi) - on the prairies, on the earth, on the march


tracks, train tracks

pe-te zhoⁿ-di-taⁿ-da o-zhoⁿ-ke (ppétte žǫ́dittą́da ožǫke) - railway lit. “fire wagon road”

cf. pe-te (ppétte) - fire; zhaⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (žą́dittą́da) - wagon, “running wood”; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-di-taⁿ-da (odíttąda) - turn something, pull around; o-zhoⁿ-ke (ožǫ́ke) - road

Dhegiha: u-zhoⁿ-ge (uzhóⁿge) - a road, way: a street [Omaha/Ponca]; u-zhoⁿ-ge (uzhoⁿge) - road [Omaha]; u-zhoⁿ-ge (u-zhoⁿ-ge) - a trail, a path, a route to be taken, a thoroughfare, a road [FL-Osage]; o-zhaⁿ-ke (óžąke) - road, highway, thoroughfare, route, path, pathway, orbit [CQ-Osage]; o-zhaⁿ-ge (ozháⁿge) - road, line of fireplaces in a camp [Kaw]


trade something of someone’s on him

i-ki-ka-iⁿ-ki-de (íkkikkáįkkíde) - trade something of someone’s on him

cf. i-ki-ka-iⁿ-de (íkkikkaįde) - trade, barter, exchange

ex: i-ki-kaⁿ-ki-de (íkkikką́kidé), i-ki-ka-iⁿ-aⁿ-ki-de (íkkikkáįąkide) - he traded it away; traded it on me [JOD-Omaha]

ex: e-ti, iⁿ-ta-te zhi-ka shoⁿ-ke-akniⁿ e-naⁿ-hi aⁿ-taⁿ ni-he taⁿ, aⁿ-ki-niⁿ hi-da taⁿ i-ki-kaⁿ-ki-de tʰe (ettí, įttátte-žika šǫ́keáknį enąhí ąttą́ nihe-tą, ąkínį hidá-tą íkkikką́kidé tʰé) - there, my stepfather took away from me the only horse that I possessed and traded it way on me [JOD]

ex: ko-i-shoⁿ-taⁿ aⁿ-ki-da-zhi hi shoⁿ-ke-a-kniⁿ wi-ta ko-i-shoⁿ i-ki-kaⁿ-ki-de tʰe, aⁿ-ki-da-zhi hi tʰe aⁿ-shoⁿ-zhi a-ta-pa (kóišǫ́ttą, ą́kidáži hí šǫ́keáknį wítta kóišǫ́ íkkikką́kidé tʰe, ą́kidáži hí tʰe ąšǫ́ži áttappá) - so, he really did not tell me in spite of its being my horse, that he traded it on me, I did not like it much that he did not tell me at all [JOD]

ex: iⁿ-ta-te zhi-ka aⁿ-naⁿ-ho-da-zhi hi shoⁿ-ke-a-kniⁿ wi-ta i-ki-kaⁿ-ki-de tʰe aⁿ-ho-taⁿ a-ta-ha-zhi (įttátte-žika ąną́hodáži hí šǫ́keáknį wítta íkkikką́kidé tʰe ą́hottą́ áttahá-ži) - it is not good for me at all that my stepfather traded my horse away on me without even having consulted me [JOD]

Dhegiha: i-kʰi-kʰa-wiⁿ-the (íkʰikʰáwiⁿthe) - to exchange things of equal value [Omaha/Ponca]; i-ki-koⁿ-wiⁿ-the (ikíkoⁿwiⁿthe), i-ki-goⁿ-wiⁿ-the (iki goⁿwiⁿthe) - change; trade; switch; exchange [Omaha]; i-ki-ka-wiⁿ-the (íkikáwiⁿ¢ĕ) - trade [JOD-Omaha]; i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ-the (í-ḳi-ḳa-wiⁿ-the) - to exchange; to trade; to barter [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ (í-ḳi-ḳa-wiⁿ) - to exchange; trade [FL-Osage]; i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ (íʰkiʰkawį) - exchange, trade, swap, change [CQ-Osage]; i-ki-ka-be (íkikabe) - exchange [Kaw]


trade, barter, exchange

i-ki-ka-iⁿ-de (íkkikkaįde) - trade, barter, exchange i-ki-ka-iⁿ-a-de (íkkikkaįade) - I, i-ki-ka-iⁿ-da-de (íkkikkaįdade) - you

cf. i-ki-ka-iⁿ-ki-de (íkkikkáįkkíde) - trade something of someone’s on him; i-ki-kaⁿ-ki-de (íkkikką́kidé), i-ki-ka-iⁿ-aⁿ-ki-de (íkkikkáįąkide) - he traded it away; traded it on me

Dhegiha: i-kʰi-kʰa-wiⁿ-the (íkʰikʰáwiⁿthe) - to exchange things of equal value [Omaha/Ponca]; i-i-koⁿ-wiⁿ-the (ikíkoⁿwiⁿthe), i-ki-goⁿ-wiⁿ-the (iki goⁿwiⁿthe) - change; trade; switch; exchange [Omaha]; i-ki-ka-wiⁿ-the (íkikáwiⁿ¢ĕ) - trade [JOD-Omaha]; i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ-the (í-ḳi-ḳa-wiⁿ-the) - to exchange; to trade; to barter [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ (í-ḳi-ḳa-wiⁿ) - to exchange; trade [FL-Osage]; i-ʰki-ʰka-wiⁿ (íʰkiʰkawį) - exchange, trade, swap, change [CQ-Osage]; i-ki-ka-be (íkikabe) - exchange [Kaw]


trade, buy

wa-niⁿ (wanį́) - buy, trade wa-bniⁿ (wabnį́) - I, wa-tiⁿ (wattį́) - you, oⁿ-wa-niⁿ-we (ǫwánįwe) - we

cf. we-niⁿ (wénį) - sell

Dhegiha: wa-thiⁿ-wiⁿ (wathiⁿwiⁿ) - buy; shop [Omaha]; wa-thi-wiⁿ (wa-thí-wiⁿ) - to purchase; one who purchases; a purchaser; one who sells; a trader [FL-Osage]; wa-thu-wiⁿ (waðúwį) - buy things [CQ-Osage]; wa-yu-miⁿ (wayúmiⁿ) - buy things, shop [Kaw]

Dhegiha: thiⁿ-wiⁿ (thiⁿwíⁿ) - to buy or purchase any object; to trade [Omaha/Ponca]; thi-wiⁿ (thi-wiⁿ) - to purchase [FL-Osage]; thu-wiⁿ (ðuwį́) - to buy; to purchase; to get by exchange of money for article [CQ-Osage]; yu-miⁿ (yumíⁿ) - buy something [Kaw]

Dhegiha: we-thiⁿ-wiⁿ (wéthiⁿwiⁿ) - to sell [Omaha/Ponca]; we-thi-wiⁿ (wéthiwiⁿ) - sell [Omaha]; we-thi-wiⁿ (wé-thi-wiⁿ) - to sell or to purchase [FL-Osage]; we-thu-wiⁿ (wéðuwį) - sell something by bartering for other stuff; buy or acquire stuff with something [CQ-Osage]



wa-taⁿ niⁿ (wattą́ nį) - trader

cf. wa-taⁿ (wattą́) - goods, merchandise; niⁿ (nį) - 3rd person continuative moving; be in a location, exist; the singular/moving/animate; wa-toⁿ-zhi ti (wattǫ́ži ttí) - a store

Dhegiha: wa-ʰtoⁿ (wa-ṭóⁿ) - ware, goods, anything sold or exchanged at a store or trading place [FL-Osage]; wa-toⁿ (watóⁿ) - property, goods [Kaw]

Dhegiha: wa-ʰtoⁿ u-zhi (wa-ṭóⁿ u-zhi) - a dry-goods store, a place to store goods, a warehouse [FL-Osage]; wa-toⁿ-zhu (watǫ́ǫžu) - store, trading house [CQ-Osage]


traffic jam

a-ki-pa-t’o i-he-de (ákkippatʔo ihéde) - close off, stop up, clog, as in a traffic jam

cf. a-ki-pa-t’o ka-xe (ákkippatʔo káγe) - close, as sliding doors; i-he-de (ihéde) - put a horizontal object; a-ba-t’o (ábatʔo) - stop, impede progress; wa-ba-t’o (wábatʔo) - stop, obstruct, impede; a-ki-pa (ákkippa) - meet a person or animal; a-ki-pai-naⁿ (ákkippainą́) - collide, run into, to butt

Dhegiha: a-kʰi-pʰa-t’u (ákʰipʰat’ú) - to collide, said of two objects [Omaha/Ponca]; a-ʰki-pa-ʰts’u (á-ḳi-pa-ṭs’u) - the blocking of a narrow passage by men or animals [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: a-ba-t’u (ábat’u) - to brace or prop an object to keep it from falling [Omaha/Ponca]; a-ba-ʰt’u (á-ba-ṭ’u) - to prevent one from moving by holding one back [FL-Osage]; a-ba-ts’o (ábats’o) - brace something, prop something up; to hesitate or draw back through shame or diffidence; be bashful, hesitant [Kaw]


trail, Mysterious Trail

si-kde wa-kaⁿ-ta (sikdé wakką́tta) - Mysterious Trail, masculine name [JOD]

cf. si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track; wa-kaⁿ-ta (wakką́tta) - God, spirit, thunder being, mysterious, mysterious being, supernatural


trail, to follow a trail or tracks

o-do-he (odóhe) - trail, track, follow their trail/tracks [JOD]

ex: o-do-wa-he (odówahe) - trailing them [JOD]

Dhegiha: u-thu-pshe (u-thú-pshe) - to follow a trail of an animal [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: si-gthe u-thu-he (sigthé uthúhe) - to follow the trail of one, not a relation, or that of animal not his own [Omaha/Ponca]; si-gthe u-thu-he (çigthe uthuhe) - track [Omaha]


trail, track, footprint

si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track

si-kde (sikdé) - track, footprint [MS]

cf. si (si) - foot

ex: si-kde tʰe (sikdé-tʰe) - the footprint

ex: si-kde a-shi-ti i-da-de (sikdé ášitti idáde) - I saw some footprints outside my house [MS]

ex: si-kde wi-ta zhi (sikdé wítta ži) - they're not my tracks [MS]

ex: si-kde di-ta e-koⁿ wi-ta zhi (sikdé dítta ekǫ́ wítta ži) - it looks just like your tracks, not mine [MS]

Dhegiha: si-gthe (sigthé) - footprints; a footprint; in the track or trail of a person or animal [Omaha/Ponca]; si-gthe (çigthe) - foot print; animal track; foot path [Omaha]; si-gthe (çi-gthé) - track, footprint [FL-Osage]; ʰta si-le ʰtawaⁿ (ʰtaasílee ʰtaáwą) - Tulsa, Oklahoma, literally, deer crossing town [CQ-Osage]; si-dle (sidlé), si-le (silé), (síle) - footprints, a trail [Kaw]


trail, walk in the trail of another (made long ago)

a-shi-oⁿ-he o-ki-si-kde (ášiǫhé ókisikdé) - walk in the trail of another (made long ago) a-shi-oⁿ-he o-a-ki-si-a-kde (ášiǫhé oákisi akdé) - I, a-shi-oⁿ-he o-da-ki-si-da-kde (ášiǫhé odákisi dakdé) - you, a-shi-oⁿ-he oⁿ-ko-ki-si-oⁿ-kda-we (ášiǫhé ǫkókisi ǫkdáwe) - we

cf. a-shi-oⁿ-he (ášiǫhe) - behind, or after him, afterward; last of a party or series, last one; si-kde (sikdé) - footprint, trail, track

Dhegiha: ha-shi (háci) - last, after [JOD-Omaha]; ha-shi (hashi) - last [Omaha]; ha-shi (há-shi) - end, the last, omega [FL-Osage]; ha-shi (haaší) - last, in the back of, behind [CQ-Osage]; ha-shi (háshi) - last, tail end [Kaw]

Dhegiha: si-gthe (sigthé) - footprints; a footprint; in the track or trail of a person or animal [Omaha/Ponca]; si-gthe (çigthe) - foot print; animal track; foot path [Omaha]; si-gthe (çi-gthé) - track, footprint [FL-Osage]; ʰta si-le ʰtawaⁿ (ʰtaasílee ʰtaáwą) - Tulsa, Oklahoma, literally, deer crossing town [CQ-Osage]; si-dle (sidlé), si-le (silé), (síle) - footprints, a trail [Kaw]



pe-te zhoⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (ppétte žǫ́dittą́da) - locomotive, lit. “fire wagon”

cf. pe-te (ppétte) - fire; zhaⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (žą́dittą́da) - wagon, “running wood”; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-di-taⁿ-da (odíttąda) - turn something, pull around


pe-te zhoⁿ di-taⁿ-da so-te (pétte žǫ́ ditądá soté) - railroad engine [JOD]

zhoⁿ-di-taⁿ-da so-te (žǫ́dittą́da sotté) - train, “wagon go fast” [MS]

cf. pe-te (ppétte) - fire; zhaⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (žą́dittą́da) - wagon, “running wood”; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-di-taⁿ-da (odíttąda) - turn something, pull around; so-te (sotté) - fast, swift of an animal


pe-te zhoⁿ-di-taⁿ-da ti (ppétte žǫ́dittą́da ttí) - train, lit. “fire wagon house”

cf. pe-te (ppétte) - fire; zhaⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (žą́dittą́da) - wagon, “running wood”; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-di-taⁿ-da (odíttąda) - turn something, pull around; ti (tti) - house, tent, dwelling

Dhegiha: pe-de (péde) - fire, match [Omaha/Ponca]; ʰpe-dse (p̣é-dse) - fire [FL-Osage]; ʰpe-tse (ʰpéece) - fire, cooking fire, meeting fire, cooking stove gas fire [CQ-Osage]; pe-je (péje) - fire [Kaw]

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ (zhoⁿ) - wood, tree, yard of cloth, span of horses [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ (zhoⁿ) - wood, a tree, fuel [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ (žą́ą) - tree, log, wood, lumber, stick, pole, woods, forest [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ (zhaⁿ) - wood, a tree, or log [Kaw]

Dhegiha: thi-ʰtoⁿ-tha (thi-ṭoⁿ́-tha) - to roll [FL-Osage]; u-thi-ʰtoⁿ-tha (u-thí-ṭoⁿ-tha) - anything propelled by rolling, a wagon, buggy, a carriage [FL-Osage]; o-thi-taⁿ (oðíʰtą) - car, wagon [CQ-Osage]; i-taⁿ-yaⁿ (ítaⁿyaⁿ) - wagon, cart [Kaw]; o-yu-taⁿ-ya (oyútaⁿya), o-yu-taⁿ-ya (óyutaⁿya) - wagon, cart [Kaw]


train tracks

pe-te zhoⁿ-di-taⁿ-da o-zhoⁿ-ke (ppétte žǫ́dittą́da ožǫke) - railway lit. “fire wagon road”

cf. pe-te (ppétte) - fire; zhaⁿ-di-taⁿ-da (žą́dittą́da) - wagon, “running wood”; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-di-taⁿ-da (odíttąda) - turn something, pull around; o-zhoⁿ-ke (ožǫ́ke) - road

Dhegiha: u-zhoⁿ-ge (uzhóⁿge) - a road, way: a street [Omaha/Ponca]; u-zhoⁿ-ge (uzhoⁿge) - road [Omaha]; u-zhoⁿ-ge (u-zhoⁿ-ge) - a trail, a path, a route to be taken, a thoroughfare, a road [FL-Osage]; o-zhaⁿ-ke (óžąke) - road, highway, thoroughfare, route, path, pathway, orbit [CQ-Osage]; o-zhaⁿ-ge (ozháⁿge) - road, line of fireplaces in a camp [Kaw]



naⁿ-ta-t’e (nąttátʔe) - trample to death a-naⁿ-ta-t’e (aną́ttatʔe) - I, da-naⁿ-ta-t’e (daną́ttatʔe) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; ta (tá) - by extreme temperature, heat or cold; t’e (tʔe) - die; ta-t’e (tátʔe) - withered from heat or cold; ba-ta-t’e (battátʔe) - kill, cause to wither; bi-ta-t’e (bittátʔe) - press to death; da-tʰa-t’e (datʰátʔe) - gnaw to death; di-ta-t’e (dittátʔe) - uproot a plant, pull up; ka-ta-t’e (kattátʔe) - kill, cut off, cause to wither; pa-ta-t’e (páttatʔe) - wither, cause by cutting; po-ta-t’e (póttatʔe) - kill vegetation by punching; ta-ta-t’e (táttatʔe) - wither from exposure to heat


naⁿ-ta-xe (nąttáxe) - stomp, trample, thump with feet a-naⁿ-ta-xe (aną́taxe) - I, da-naⁿ-ta-xe (daną́ttaxe) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; ta-xe (táxe) - dried up, dead from heat/cold, used with almost all instrumental prefixes; a-noⁿ-ta-xe (ánǫttáxe) - shoes; ba-ta-xe (battáxe) - dry up, root up the soil; bi-ta-xe (bittáxe) - dry up, press dry; da-ta-xe (dattáxe) - dry up from being gnawed; di-ta-xe (dittáxe) - dry out by pulling up, uproot; ka-ta-xe (kattáxe) - crack and die from being cut, as corn; pa-ta-xe (páttaxe) - cut and dry up, e.g. cornstalk; po-ta-xe (póttaxe) - cause to dry up from punching; ta-ta-xe (táttaxe) - dry up and die, as vegetation from the sun


naⁿ-taⁿ-ha (nąttą́ha) - crush with feet, trample to bits a-naⁿ-taⁿ-ha (aną́ttąha) - I, da-naⁿ-taⁿ-ha (daną́ttąha) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; ba-taⁿ-ha (battą́ha) - pulverize; bi-taⁿ-ha (bittą́ha) - crush, pulverize; da-taⁿ-ha (dattą́ha) - chew very fine; di-taⁿ-ha (dittą́ha) - turn crank as on a handmill; wa-di-taⁿ-ha (wadíttąha) - cornmeal; wa-di-taⁿ-ha wa-ske (wadíttąha waské) - cornbread; ka-taⁿ-ha (kattą́ha) - pound, pulverize; pa-taⁿ-ha (páttąha) - cut up very fine, as tobacco; po-taⁿ-ha (póttąha) - pulverize by punching/shooting; ta-taⁿ-ha (táttąha) - burn to ashes, burn up


naⁿ-t’e-ka (nątʔéka) - injure by kicking or trampling a-naⁿ-t’e-ka (aną́tʔeka) - I, da-naⁿ-t’e-ka (daną́tʔeka) - you

cf. naⁿ (naⁿ) - by action of the foot; di-t’e-ka (ditʔékka) - injure, hurt someone; di-t’e-ka (ditʔéka) - weaken an animal or infant


translator, interpreter

i-ye-wa-ska (iyéwaska) - interpreter, lit. “talk clear”

cf. i-ye (íye) - talk, speak; i-ye (iyé), i-e (ié) - say; i-ye (íye) - word; wa-ska (wáska) - clear, intelligible

Dhegiha: i-e-wa-ska (í-e-wa-çka) - an interpreter, translator [FL-Osage]; i-e wa-ska (íe waská) - clear words, interpreter [CQ-Osage]; i-e wa-ska (íe waská) - talk clearly, intelligibly, plainly, to interpret, interpreter [Kaw]

Dhegiha: i-e-ska (iéskă) - interpreter, speak well, interpret, to speak a language plainly, to act as an interpreter [Omaha/Ponca]; i-e-ska (iéçka) - interpreter [Omaha]; i-e-ska (íeska) - speak clearly; clear words, clear language [CQ-Osage]



o-ka-shaⁿ (ókašą) - journy, travel, wander [JOD]

Dhegiha: u-ga-shoⁿ (ugáshoⁿ) - to go on a journey, to travel [Omaha/Ponca]; u-ga-shoⁿ (ugashoⁿ) - expedition; journey; travel [Omaha]; u-ga-shoⁿ (u-gá-shoⁿ) - going forth on an errand [FL-Osage]; o-ga-shaⁿ (ogáshaⁿ) - travel [Kaw]


maⁿ-niⁿ (mąnį́) - walk a-maⁿ-bdiⁿ (amą́bdį) - I, da-maⁿ-tiⁿ (damą́ttį) - you

ex: haⁿ-e hi da-maⁿ-tiⁿ ni-she?” i-yi i-ya sni-wa-te (hą́e hi damą́ttį nišé?” iyí iyá sniwátte) - “on what very important business are you traveling?” it is said Winter said (shows that there must have been some great trouble or important business which forced the Rabbit to wander from his home at such a time) [JOD]

Dhegiha: moⁿ-thiⁿ (moⁿthíⁿ) - to walk [Omaha/Ponca]; maⁿ-thiⁿ (maⁿ-¢íⁿ) - to walk; used to express continued action; to go [JOD-Omaha]; moⁿ-thiⁿ (moⁿ-thiⁿ), moⁿ-iⁿ (moⁿ-íⁿ) - to walk, exist; travel [FL-Osage]; maⁿthiⁿ (mąðį́), maⁿ-iⁿ (mą́į) - walk, go by walking, go by foot, go away, go, go on, get moving, go ahead, approach, move in closer, stay, act or live a certain way, go around a certain way [CQ-Osage]; maⁿ-yiⁿ (maⁿyíⁿ) - walk, move [Kaw]


Traveler, Wanderer

o-ka-shaⁿ (ókašą) - Travels, Traveler, Wonderer, female name of the Kwapa Elk gens [JOD]

Dhegiha: u-ga-shoⁿ zhiⁿ-ga (ugáshoⁿ zhiⁿga) - Little Traveler, personal name [Omaha/Ponca]; u-ga-shoⁿ (u-gá-shoⁿ) - The Wanderer, male personal name; going forth on an errand [FL-Osage]


Traveling Sun

mi o-ka-shaⁿ niⁿ (mi ókašą nį) - Traveling Sun or Traveling Moon, female name of the Kwapa Sun gens [JOD]

cf. mi (mi) - sun; o-ka-zhaⁿ (ókašą) - journy, travel, wander; niⁿ (nį) - the singular/moving/animate; 3sg continuative moving

Dhegiha: mi-ga-shoⁿ thiⁿ (mígashoⁿthiⁿ) - The Traveling Moon; Traveling or Moving Moon; The Moon That Travels; The Moon Moving, female name [Omaha/Ponca]; mi-ga-shoⁿ iⁿ (mí-ga-shoⁿ-iⁿ) - Sun That Travels, female name [FL-Osage]



naⁿ-ste-ste (nąstéste) - kick or tread to pieces a-naⁿ-ste-ste (aną́steste) - I, da-naⁿ-ste-ste (daną́steste) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; naⁿ-ste (nąsté) - kick a gash in something; ba-ste-ste (bastéste) - cut to shreds, stab repeatedly; ba-ste (basté) - cut into, gash; bi-ste-ste (bistéste) - split repeatedly, shred; bi-ste (bisté) - split, gash; da-ste-ste (dásteste) - chew into slivers, v. split; da-ste (dasté) - split with teeth; di-ste-ste (distéste) - pull into shreds, slivers; di-ste (disté) - split, pull off string; ka-ste-ste (kastéste) - cut or beat to shreds/slivers; ka-ste-ste-ye (kastésteye) - to have cut to shreds; ka-ste (kasté) - gash, split something; pa-ste-ste (pásteste) - cut to slivers, split often; pa-ste (páste) - gash, cut with a knife blade; po-ste-ste (pósteste) - shoot or punch to slivers; po-ste (póste) - graze shooting and gash

Dhegiha: ba-stse-stse-ge (bá-stse-stse-ge) - to gash the skin with a knife [FL-Osage]; ga-stse-stse-ge (ga-stsé-stse-ge) - to gash the skin repeatedly [FL-Osage]; thi-stse-stse-ge (thi-stsé-stse-ge) - to tear into shreds [FL-Osage]; bu-sce-sce-ge (buscéscege) - wear clothing to shreds [Kaw]; ga-stse-stse-ge (gascéscege) - gash the skin or split wood repeatedly [Kaw]; yu-sce-sce-ge (yuscéscege) - cut into strips, pull to shreds [Kaw]


naⁿ-to-zhe (nąttóže) - make crack sound by treading a-naⁿ-to-zhe (aną́ttože) - I, da-naⁿ-to-zhe (daną́ttože) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; ba-to-zhe (battóže) - make crack sound pushing; bi-to-zhe (bittóže) - make crack sound by pressure; da-to-zhe (dattóže) - crunch with teeth; naⁿ-pe di-to-zhe (nąpé dittóže) - crack one’s finger joints; ka-to-zhe (kattóže) - cracking sound hitting something; pa-to-zhe (páttože) - make cracking sound with knife; po-to-zhe (póttože) - make crack sound thrusting; ta-to-zhe (táttože) - cracking sound made by burning


naⁿ-zi-ke (nązíke) - stretch something by treading on it a-naⁿ-zi-ke (aną́zike) - I, da-naⁿ-zi-ke (daną́zike) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; bi-zi-ke (bizíke) - stretch from pressure or weight; da-zi-ke (dazíke) - stretch with the mouth; di-zi-ke (dizíke) - stretch by pulling; ki-di-zi-ke (kídizíke) - stretch something for someone; kdi-zi-ke (kdizíke) - stretch or pull one’s own; zi-zi-ke (zízike) - stretching [ASG]; hi-ni-ke zi-zi-ke (hiníke zizíke) - stockings, hose

Dhegiha: gi-noⁿ-zi-zi-ge (ginóⁿzizíge) - possessive of noⁿ-zi-zi-ge (nóⁿzizíge); to stretch his own moccasins or shoes by walking in them [Omaha/Ponca]


a-ki-na-zhiⁿ (ákinážį) - he trod on his own [JOD]

a-ki-na-zhiⁿ (ákinážį) - stand on one’s own

cf. a (a) - on, upon; ki (ki) - one’s own; na-zhiⁿ (nažį́) - stand

ex: a-ki-na-zhiⁿ (ákinážį) - he trod on his own [JOD]

ex: maⁿ-te kʰe a-ki-na-zhiⁿ a-taⁿ i-ki-kaⁿ-de niⁿ i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-zhiⁿ-ke niⁿ (mą́tte kʰe ákinážį attą íkikką́de nį́ iyá maštį́ke ežį́ke nį) - and the Rabbit’s son was stringing his bow, it is said (when the bow is strung, it is bent with the foot, and the string put on the other end) [JOD]

Dhegiha: a-gi-na-zhiⁿ (áginazhíⁿ) - to stand on his own land, etc.; to stand between his own friend and the foe; to stand by his own friend or relation [Omaha/Ponca]



naⁿ-ko-wiⁿ-xe (nąkkówįγe) - treadle, use to turn something a-naⁿ-ko-wiⁿ-xe (aną́kkowįγe) - I, da-naⁿ-ko-wiⁿ-xe (daną́kkowįγe) - you

cf. naⁿ (ną) - by action of the foot; ba-ko-wiⁿ-xe (bakkówįγe) - turn, make revolve, push around; bi-ko-wiⁿ-xe (bikkówįγe) - push, blow in a circle; di-ko-wiⁿ-xe (dikkówįγe) - turn, rotate, pull out of line; ka-ko-wiⁿ-xe (kakkówįγe), ka-koiⁿ-xe (kakoįγe) - turn around, circle; ta-ko-wiⁿ-xa-xa (tákkowįγáγa) - around in circles, “fire makes him/her/it go around and around”

Dhegiha: noⁿ-ʰko-wiⁿ-xe (nóⁿ-ḳu-wiⁿ-xe) - to cause an object to turn by touching it with the foot [FL-Osage]; naⁿ-ko-mi-ghe (naⁿkómighe) - treadle; cause to spin or revolve by treading, kicking [Kaw]



aⁿ-ki-oⁿ (ą́kiǫ́) - he treated mine [JOD]

cf. e-ki-’oⁿ (ékiʔǫ) - do as someone has said or done; do that; ’oⁿ (ʔǫ), ’aⁿ (ʔą) - do, be; use, have

ex: aⁿ-ki-oⁿ (ą́kiǫ́) - he treated mine [JOD]

ex: “ko-i-she aⁿ-ki-oⁿ a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ, e-ta-ni wi-ta,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-zhiⁿ-ke niⁿ-kʰe (kóiše ą́kiǫ́ ážąmį́, ettáni wítta,” iyí iyá maštį́ke ežį́ke nįkʰe) - “I suspect that he has been treating my kinsman so,” said the Rabbit’s son [JOD]

Dhegiha: e-gi-oⁿ (é-gí-oⁿ) - to do so [FL-Osage]; e-ki-oⁿ (ékiǫ) - do something, proceed or go ahead with something, can, be able to [CQ-Osage]; e-gi-’oⁿ (égi’oⁿ), ’e-gi-’oⁿ (’égi’oⁿ) - do so, do that to another, do something [Kaw]


aⁿ-niⁿ (ą́nį) - he treats me [JOD]

ex: ko-i-she aⁿ-niⁿ (kóiše ą́nį) - he has been treating me so [JOD]


treat as honorable, respect

oⁿ-hi a-zhiⁿ (ǫhí ážį) - respect, treat as honorable oⁿ-hi a-a-zhiⁿ (ǫhí áažį), oⁿ-hi a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (ǫhí ážąmį) - I, oⁿ-hi a-da-zhiⁿ (ǫhí ádažį) - you, oⁿ-hi oⁿ-ka-zhiⁿ-we (ǫhí ǫ́kažįwe) - we

cf. oⁿ-hi-kde (ǫ́hikde) - to show partiality to someone; a-zhiⁿ (ážį) - think, regard; to treat as

ex: oⁿ-hi a-wi-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (ǫhí áwižąmį́) - I honor you


treat as, think or regard

a-zhaⁿ (ážą) - think, regard one as being a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (ážąmį́) - I, a-da-zhaⁿ (ádažą) - you, oⁿ-ka-zhaⁿ-we (ǫ́kažąwe) - we

a-zhiⁿ (ážį) - think, regard; to treat as a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (ážąmį), a-a-zhiⁿ (áažį), a-zhoⁿ (ážǫ) - I, a-da-zhiⁿ (ádažį) - you, oⁿ-ka-zhiⁿ-we (ǫ́kažįwe), aⁿ-ka-zhaⁿ-i (ąkážąi) - we

ex: ho-taⁿ a-zhaⁿ-i (hóttą ažą́i) - love someone, think well of

ex: oⁿ-hi a-zhiⁿ (ǫhí ážį) - respect, treat as honorable

ex: oⁿ-hi a-wi-zha-miⁿ (ǫhí áwižamį́) - I honor you

ex: ni-ka-shi-ka e a-zha-miⁿ (níkkašika e ážamį) - I treat him as a human being

ex: a-zho-wa hi pʰi a-ni-he, so-te a-ni-he, aⁿ-xde te a-zhaⁿ-niⁿ (ažowá hi pʰí aníhe, sótte aníhe, ą́xde tte ažąmį́) - I was coming as fast as possible, I was moving fast, I thought he was going to overtake me [JOD]

ex: “i-da-xa naⁿ o-do-tʰe aⁿ-naⁿ-de te a-zha-miⁿ, i-da-xa-zhi,” i-yi (“idáxa ną ódotʰe ąną́de tte ážąmį́, idáxa-ží,” iyí) - “I thought, if I laugh the man eater will see/find me, I didn't laugh,” she said [JOD]

ex: wa-x’o niⁿ-kʰe i-xa koⁿ-da niⁿ-kʰe e-ni-te o-do-tʰe aⁿ-naⁿ-de te a-zha-miⁿ i-da-xa-zhi (waxʔó nįkʰe íxa kǫ́da nįkʰe énitte, ódotʰe ąną́de tte ážąmį idáxa-ži) - the woman wanted to laugh, although she thought he will see/find me, I won't laugh [JOD]

ex: “shaⁿ-iⁿ-te iⁿ-spe i-ba-shte a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ,” i-yi (šą́įtte į́spe íbašte ážąmį́,” iyí) - well, I think it was accidentally split by falling against an axe, he said [JOD]

ex: aⁿ-t’e ta miⁿ-kʰe a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ shoⁿ-hi-te (ątʔe tta mįkʰe ažąmį́ šǫ́hitte) - at any rate, I think I will be dead/die [JOD]

ex: “naⁿ-pe-hi-xti niⁿ a-zha-miⁿ,” i-yi i-ya sni-wa-te (nąppéhi-xti nį́ ážąmį́,” iyí iyá sniwátte) - “I think that he (Rabbit) is very hungry,” it is said Winter said [JOD]

ex: “he-be wa-da-ki-tiⁿ shi a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ,” i-yi i-ya (“hébe wádakittį́ ší ážąmį́,” iyí iyá) - “I think that you took a piece for someone,” it is said he said [JOD]

ex: “ko-i-she aⁿ-ki-oⁿ a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ, e-ta-ni wi-ta,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-zhiⁿ-ke niⁿ-kʰe (“kóiše ą́kiǫ́ ážąmį́, ettáni wítta,” iyí iyá maštį́ke ežį́ke nįkʰe) - I think that he has been treating my kinsman so,” it is said the Rabbit’s son said

ex: “hoⁿ! e-koⁿ zha-miⁿ,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke (“hǫ! ekǫ́ žąmį́,” iyí iyá maštį́ke) - “yes! I thought so,” it is said rabbit said [JOD]

ex: miⁿ-da-kʰe de, e-de a-zhaⁿ (mį́dakʰe dé, edé ažą́) - I think you are telling the truth [JOD]

ex: haⁿ aⁿ-da-zhaⁿ e (hą́ ądážą e) - what do you think about my case?

ex: miⁿ-kʰe aⁿ-da-zhaⁿ-zhi tʰe a-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (mį́kʰe ądážąži tʰe ážąmį) - I do not think that you believe me

ex: a-ki-zhaⁿ (akižą́) - she thought about herself [JOD]

ex: o-do-tʰe o-xde te a-ki-zhaⁿ iⁿ (ódotʰe oxdé tte akižą́ į) - the man eater would overtake her, she thought to herself' (JOD)]

Dhegiha: a-zhiⁿ (á-zhiⁿ) - to think or suppose that [FL-Osage]; a-zhiⁿ (ažį́) - think or believe regarding someone, hold an opinion of something [CQ-Osage]; a-zhiⁿ (azhíⁿ) - think, suppose [Kaw]

Dhegiha: e-zhaⁿ-miⁿ (é-jaⁿ-míⁿ) - I think, 1st person singular of an obsolete verb a-zhiⁿ (ajiⁿ) [JOD-Omaha]


treat one miserably

wa-xpa-ni-de (waxpánidé) - to treat one miserably

cf. wa-xpa-ni (waxpáni) - poor, pitiful; de (de) - cause to

ex: wa-xpa-ni-de (waxpánidé) - treated her miserably [JOD]

ex: wa-haⁿ-niⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ wa-xpa-ni-de (wahą́nįké tʰą waxpánidé) - (they) treated the orpan miserably [JOD]

ex: koi-shoⁿ-taⁿ e-kaⁿ niⁿ wa-haⁿ-niⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ wa-xpa-ni-de haⁿ-e-aⁿ-zhi tʰaⁿ naⁿ (kóišǫ́ttą eką nį́ wahą́nįké tʰą waxpánidé hą́eąží tʰą ną) - then-so-the moving-orphan-the standing-treated her miserably-a great deal-the standing-past sign [JOD]

Dhegiha: wa-xpa-ni (waqpáni), wa-xpa-thiⁿ (waqpáthiⁿ) - poor, to be poor [Omaha/Ponca]; wa-xpa-thiⁿ (waxpathiⁿ) - poverty, poor [Omaha]; wa-xpa-thiⁿ (wa-xpá-thiⁿ) - to suffer from exhaustion, in need, poverty-stricken, poor in spirit, in great grief, in sorrow, a mourner [FL-Osage]; wa-xpa-thiⁿ (waxpáðį), wa-xpaiⁿ (waxpáį), wa-xpeiⁿ (waxpéį) - poor, poverty stricken, pitiful, humble, long suffering as the victim of pain, poverty, or ill fortune [CQ-Osage]; wa-xpa-yiⁿ (waxpáyiⁿ) - be humble, pitiful, be poor, to feel poorly, feel ill [Kaw]


treat the same, get even with

koⁿ-ze e-koⁿ kʰi-de (kkǫ́ze ékǫ ákąkʰíde), koⁿ-ze a-kaⁿ kʰi-de (kkǫ́ze ákąkʰíde) - treat the same, get even with koⁿ-ze a-kaⁿ a-kʰi-de (kkǫ́ze áką ákʰide) - I, koⁿ-ze a-kaⁿ da-kʰi-de (kkǫ́ze áką dákʰide) - you

cf. koⁿ-ze e-koⁿ (kkǫ́ze ékǫ), koⁿ-ze e-kaⁿ (kkǫ́ze eką), koⁿ-ze a-kaⁿ (kkǫ́ze áką) - similar, alike; kʰi-de (kʰide) - cause to

Dhegiha: goⁿ-ze-goⁿ (goⁿ-çé-goⁿ) - alike in appearance, similar, uniform [FL-Osage]; koⁿ-ze-koⁿ (kǫzékǫ) - be the same as or like another, like, similar to or identical to [CQ-Osage]; go-ze e-go (góze égo) - alike, resembling something [Kaw]


treat with respect, honor someone

o-xta-xti (óxtaxti) - honor someone, treat with respect

cf. o-xta (óxta) - good, desirable; xti (-xti) - very, real, fully; o-xta-de (óxtade) - like, love; xta-de (xtadé) - love; xta-ki-de (xtákkide) - love one’s own relative, kin

Dhegiha: u-xta (ú-qta) - good; excellent; desirable [JOD-Omaha]; u-xta (ú-xta) - marvelous, pleasing, mysterious, lovable, to prize highly, to hold a thing precious or valuable [FL-Osage]; o-xta (ó-xta) - a thing of great value, a captive, a favored person [FL-Osage]; o-xta (óxta) - precious, dear or beloved, valuable, marvelous, important, special, right, respectable [CQ-osage]; o-xta (óxta) - pleasing [Kaw]

Dhegiha: xti (qti), xchi (qchi) - very, really, real [Omaha/Ponca]; xti (xti) - very, really, real [Omaha]; xtsi (xtsi) - verily, very [FL-Osage]; xtsi (xci) - real, really, exactly, very, fully, indeed, precisely [CQ-Osage]; xtsi (xcí) - real, very [Kaw]


treat, mistreat

di-shi-shi-ke (dišíšike) - mistreat, abuse [MS]

cf. shi-ke (šíke) - bad

ex: ni-kaⁿ-saⁿ kdaⁿ-ni-ke wa-x’o di-shi-shi-ke [wi]ʰpi-a-we (nikkąsą́ kdąníke waxʔó dišíšike [wi]ʰpiáwe) - sometime they treat a woman mean, that’s the way they, they do, they say, they, all soldiers drunk then [MS]


di-si-si-ke (disísike) - mistreat, abuse bdi-si-si-ke (bdísisike) - I, ti-si-si-ke (ttísisike) - you

cf. i-si-si-ke (ísisíke) - mistreat, abuse someone

ex: di-si-si-ke hi-niⁿ-ha oⁿ-we (di-si-si-ke hi-niⁿ-ha oⁿ-we) - they all abuse one as much and as often as they can [JOD]

ex: wa-sa ke ni-ka-shi-ka i-xa-xa taⁿ-da he-we di-si-si-ke hi-niⁿ-ha oⁿ-we (wasá ke níkkašíka íxaxa ttą́da héwe: disísike hínįhá ǫ́wé) - the black bears made fun of mankind, they were very cruel to mankind [JOD]


i-si-si-ke (ísisíke) - mistreat, abuse someone

cf. di-si-si-ke (disísike) - mistreat, abuse

ex: i-di-si-si-ke (étti tté nahá idísisike hi ttai edé) - they abuse you [JOD]

ex: e-ti te na-ha i-di-si-si-ke hi ta-i e-de (étti tté nahá idísisike hi ttai edé) - do not go there!, they will sure enough abuse you [JOD]



hi (hi) - stalk, tree, bush, vine, leg

hi (hi) - stalk, trunk of tree [FS]

Dhegiha: hi (hi) - stalk, stem, trunk, leg [Omaha/Ponca]; hi (hi) - tree trunk, plant stalk, plant vine, leg [Omaha]; hi (hi), hiu (hiu) - trunk of a tree, vines, stalks of plants, a leg [FL-Osage]; hu (hú), hiu (hiú), hi (hi) - trunk, stalk, leg [CQ-Osage]; hu (hu) - trunk of a tree, vine, limb, leg [Kaw]


zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree

zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - tree, wood [MS, MR, AB]

zhoⁿ (jon) - tree (arbre) [GI]

zhaⁿ (žą) - tree, wood [FS]

zhoⁿ (zhóⁿ) - wood, tree [ASG]

ex: zhaⁿ kʰe (žą́ kʰe) - the log

ex: zhaⁿ tʰe (žą́ tʰe) - the tree

ex: zhoⁿ ko-wa-da-te (žǫ kówadatté) - yon two trees

ex: zhoⁿ zhi-ka (žǫ́ žika) - stick, switch

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ (zhoⁿ) - wood; a tree; trees [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ (zhoⁿ) - a tree; wood; fuel [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ (žą́ą) - tree, log, wood, lumber; stick, pole; woods, forest [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ (zhaⁿ) - wood, a tree or log [Kaw]


tree bark

zhoⁿ-ha (žǫhá), zhaⁿ-ha (žąhá) - bark of a tree

zhaⁿ-ha (zhaⁿhá) - bark of tree [ASG]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; ha (ha) - skin, bark, hide, shell

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ-ha (zhóⁿha) - bark, tree bark (on the tree) [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ-ha (zhóⁿ-ha) - the outer bark of a tree [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ-ha (žą́ą háa) - outer bark of a tree [CQ-Osage]


zhaⁿ-ha o-ska (žąhá oská) - inner white bark of tree

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; ha (ha) - skin, bark, hide, shell; o (o) - locative, place at which, at a place, culmination of a certain action or state, wherein a certain thing takes place; in, inside, into; ska (ska) - white


tree branch

zhaⁿ ka-xa (žą káxa) - branch of a tree

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; ka-xa (káxa) - branch, branching as antlers or the tributaries of a river or branches of a tree

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ ga-xa (zhóⁿgaqá) - a branch when on the tree [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ ga-xa (zhoⁿgaxa) - tree branch, tree limb [Omaha]; zhoⁿ ga-xa (zhóⁿ-ga-xa) - the limb of a tree; branches, boughs [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ ka-xa (žą́ą káxa) - tree branch, limb, tree branching out [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ ga-xa (zhaⁿgaxá) - branch, limb of a tree [Kaw]

Dhegiha: ga-xa (gaqá) - a branch of a tree [Omaha/Ponca]; ga-xa (gaxa) - branch [Omaha]; ga-xa (ga-xa) - branch of a river, tree, or antlers [FL-Osage]; ka-xa (káxa) - creek, branch of a stream or brook; branch of a tree, limb [CQ-Osage]; ga-xa (gaxá) - creek, a gorge or ravine [Kaw]


tree frog

taⁿ-na e-ka-xna (ttąná ekáxna) - tree frog, lit. “wife of the ground”

cf. taⁿ-naⁿ (ttąná) - ground; i-ka-xnaⁿ (ikáxną), e-ka-xnaⁿ (ekáxną), i-ka-xnoⁿ (ikáxnǫ) - wife, man’s wife


tree root

zhaⁿ-kaⁿ (žą́kką) - root

zhaⁿ-kaⁿ (zhû́ⁿkaⁿ) - root of tree [ASG]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; koⁿ (kkǫ), kaⁿ (kką) - root of a plant; sinew, string, line

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ-koⁿ (zhoⁿkóⁿ) - root, tree root [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ-koⁿ (zhoⁿkoⁿ) - root [Omaha]; zhaⁿ-kaⁿ (jaⁿ-k͓áⁿ) - a root: the roots of trees, etc. [JOD-Omaha]; zhoⁿ-ʰkoⁿ (zhoⁿ-ḳóⁿ) - roots of any plant or tree [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ-k’aⁿ (žą́ kʔą) - root or roots (of a tree, bush, etc.) [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ-kaⁿ (zháⁿkaⁿ) - root of a plant or tree [Kaw]


tree sap, maple sugar

zhoⁿ ni (žǫní), zhaⁿ ni (žąní) - maple sugar, “tree sap”

zhoⁿ ni (jonnih) - rum, bourbon (rum) [GI]

zhoⁿ ni (jōn-nīh) - water of life, brandy (eau de vie) [GI]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; ni (ni) - water, liquid; zhoⁿ-ni hi (žǫní hi) - maple tree, Acer saccharum

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿní) - sugar, syrup, honey; “wood water, wood sap” [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿni) - sap, candy, fudge, sugar [Omaha]; zhaⁿ ni (jaⁿ-ní) - “wood water, wood sap,” sugar; syrup; strained honey [JOD-Omaha]; zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿní) - sugar, candy, “wood water” [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ ni (žąąníi) - sugar, lit., “tree water”, originally referring to maple sap or syrup [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ ni (zhaⁿní) - sugar, “tree liquid” [Kaw]


tree stump

zhaⁿ paⁿ-haⁿ (žą́ ppą́hą) - stump of a tree

cf. zhoⁿ (žǫ́), zhaⁿ (žą) wood, tree


tree trunk

zhaⁿ o-taⁿ-ka (žą́ ottą́ka) - tree trunk

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o (o) - locative, place at which, at a place, culmination of a certain action or state, wherein a certain thing takes place; in, inside, into; taⁿ-ka (ttą́ka) - big, large


tree, apple tree

kaⁿ-te hi (kkąttéhi) - apple tree

kaⁿ-te hi (kkąttéhi) - apple tree [MS]

cf. kaⁿ-te (kką́tte) - apple; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: koⁿ-de hi (kóⁿdehi) - plum bushes [Omaha/Ponca]; koⁿ-de hi (koⁿde hi) - plum tree [Omaha]; kaⁿ-de hi (k͓ándehi) - plum tree; plum bushes [JOD-Omaha]; ʰkoⁿ-dse xo-dse hi (ḳóⁿ-dse xo-dse hi) - wild plum tree [FL-Osage]; kaⁿ-je hu (káⁿje hu) - plum tree [Kaw]

Dhegiha: she-hi (céhi) - apple tree [Omaha/Ponca]; she-hi (shéhi) - apple tree [Omaha]; she-hi (shé-hi) - apple tree [FL-Osage]; she-taⁿ-ga hu (shétaⁿga hu) - apple tree [Kaw]


kaⁿ-te i-iⁿ-xe hi (kką́tte íįxé hi) - apple tree

cf. kaⁿ-te i-iⁿ-xe (kką́tte íįxe) - apple; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg


tree, ash tree

ta-shna hi (ttašną́hi) - ash tree, Fraxinus

cf. hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: ta-zhnoⁿ-ge (tazhnóge) - ash tree [Omaha/Ponca]; ta-zhnoⁿ-ge (tazhnóⁿge) - ash tree [Omaha]


tree, cedar tree

xoⁿ-te hi (xǫttéhi) - cedar tree

xoⁿ-te hi (xǫttéhi) - cedar tree [MS]

cf. xoⁿ-te (xǫtté) - cedar wood; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

ex: xoⁿ-te hi o-taⁿ (xǫttéhi ottą́) - Rock Creek, I.T.; lit. “cedars abound in it”; near Quapaw, OK

Dhegiha: xoⁿ-dse hi (xóⁿ-dse hi) - the cedar tree [FL-Osage]; xoⁿ-tse hu (xǫǫcéhu) - cedar tree [CQ-Osage]; xoⁿ-je hu (xóⁿje hu) - cedar tree, the red [Kaw]


tree, cottonwood tree

pa-x’a (páxʔa) - cottonwood tree

pa-x’a (páγʔa) - cottonwood tree [MS]

Dhegiha: ma-’a (má’a) - cottonwood, cottonwood tree [Omaha/Ponca]; ma-’a (mah’ah) - cottonwood tree [Omaha]; ba-ʰk’a hi (bá-ḳ’a hi) - cottonwood tree [FL-Osage]; pa-k’a (páakʔa), pa-xa (páaxa) - cottonwood [CQ-Osage]; bla-k’a (blak’á) - cottonwood tree [Kaw]


tree, crooked tree

zhaⁿ a-ba-ko (žą ábakko) - crooked tree

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; a-ba-ko (abakkó) - crooked [JOD]; ba-ko (bakkó) - bent

ex: zhaⁿ a-ba-ko (žą ábakko) - tree/crooked [JOD]

ex: e-shaⁿ zhaⁿ a-ba-ko koi-shoⁿ e-ti kʰe taⁿ a-te bde a-taⁿ maⁿ-shi miⁿ-kʰe (éšą žą ábakko kóišǫ́ étti kʰé tą átte bd[e]á-ttą mą́ši mįkʰé) - then, I climbed up high in this crooked tree and I sat there [JOD]

ex: zhaⁿ a-te, i-ya-we, a-ba-ko koi-shoⁿ maⁿ-shi kaⁿ niⁿ-kʰe, i-ya-we (žą átte iyáwe, abakkó kóišǫ́ mąši ką́-nįkʰé, iyáwe) - she climbed high up into a crooked tree and sat there, they say [JOD]

Dhegiha: ba-ku (bá-k͓u) - hump-backed [JOD-Omaha]; ba-ʰko (bá-ḳo) - bent [FL-Osage]


tree, dogwood bush or tree

maⁿ-sa hi (mą́sa hí) - dogwood bush or tree, Cornus

cf. maⁿ (mą) - arrow; maⁿ-sa (mą́sa) - dogwood, Cornus; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg; maⁿ-sa zhi-te (mása žítte) - dogwood, bark used for kinnikinnick

Dhegiha: moⁿ-sa-xti hi (móⁿsaqtihí) - “the real arrow-shaft weed or bush”: a weed whose stalk is used for making arrow-shafts [Osage/Quapaw]

moⁿ-sa hi (móⁿ-ça hi) - arrowwood, the Osage made their arrows out of a wood they call moⁿ-sa hi (móⁿ-ça hi) - arrow wood (Cornus asperifolia), when this wood is not obtainable they use ash [FL-Osage]; moⁿ-sa hu (mǫ́ǫsa hu) - dogwood, arrow shaft tree [CQ-Osage]; maⁿ-sa hu (máⁿsa hu) - dogwood, the arrow shaft bush [Kaw]

Dhegiha: moⁿ-sa (móⁿsa) - a wooden arrow-shaft [Omaha/Ponca]; moⁿ-sa (móⁿ-ça) - arrow shaft [FL-Osage]; moⁿ-sa (mǫ́ǫsa), moⁿ-se (mǫ́ǫse), maⁿ-se (mą́ąse), maⁿ-si (mą́ąsi) - arrow shaft [CQ-Osage]; maⁿ-sa (máⁿsa) - arrow shaft [Kaw]


tree, elm tree

e-hi (ehí) - elm tree

cf. hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: e-hiu (é-hiu) - an elm tree [FL-Osage]; e-hu (ehú) - elm [ Kaw]

Dhegiha: e-zhoⁿ (ézhoⁿ) - an elm tree [Omaha/Ponca]; e-zhoⁿ (ézhoⁿ) - elm tree; red elm tree [Omaha]

Dhegiha: e-e-zhoⁿ (éezhoⁿ) - an elm [Omaha/Ponca]


hiⁿ-te naⁿ-be hi (hį́tte ną́be hi) - slippery elm tree

Dhegiha: hiⁿ-dse gthi-gthi-e (híⁿ-dse gthi-gthi-e), hiⁿ-dse ni-stse-stse (híⁿ-dse ni-stse-stse), hiⁿ-dse ni-stsi-stu-e (híⁿ-dse ni-stsi-stu-e)  - slippery elm [FL-Osage]; hiⁿ-je shtsu-shtse (híⁿje shcúshce) - slippery elm [Kaw]

Dhegiha: hiⁿ-de hi (híⁿdehí) - a bass-wood or linden tree [Omaha/Ponca]; hiⁿ-je hu (híⁿje hu) - elm tree, bass or linden [Kaw]

Dhegiha: hiⁿ-de (híⁿde) - the bass-wood or linden [Omaha/Ponca]; hiⁿ-je (híⁿje) - elm [Kaw]


tree, hawthorn bush or tree

po-hi (póhi) - black hawthorn bush

cf. po (po) - black haws, hawthorn; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: bo-hu (bohú) - black hawthorn tree, it is gray, it resembles the staⁿyiⁿgehu (the persimmon tree) [Kaw]

Dhegiha: bo (bo) - black hawthorn [Kaw]


ti-o-spaⁿ-hi (ttióspąhi) - red hawthorn bush or tree

cf. ti-o-spaⁿ (ttióspą) - red haw; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: ta-spoⁿ-hi (taspóⁿhi) - red hawthorn, thorn-apple tree [Omaha/Ponca]; ta-spoⁿ hi (taçpoⁿ hi) - red haw tree, torn apple tree [Omaha]; ta-spaⁿ hu (taspáⁿ hu) - the red hawthorn tree [Kaw]

Dhegiha: ta-spoⁿ (taspóⁿ) - red haw, thorn apple [Omaha/Ponca]; ʰta-spoⁿ (ṭa-çpóⁿ) - the red haw, thorn apple [FL-Osage]; ta-spaⁿ (taspáⁿ) - haws, red hawthorn [Kaw]


tree, hickory tree

poⁿ hi (ppǫhí) - hickory tree

cf. poⁿ (ppǫ) - hickory nut; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: ʰpoⁿ-ʰtoⁿ-a hi (p̣óⁿ-ṭoⁿ-a hi) - large hickory tree [FL-Osage]; paⁿ-taⁿ-ga hu (páⁿtàⁿga hu) - hickory (tree), walnut (tree) [Kaw]


tree, hollow tree

zhaⁿ xdo-x’a (žą xdóxʔa) - hollow tree [JOD]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; xdo-x’a (xdoxʔa), kdo-x’a (kdoxʔa) - empty; maⁿ-kdo-xa (mąkdóxa), maⁿ-xdo-x’a (mąxdoxʔa) - cave, “hollow earth”; di-kdo-x’a (dikdóxʔa), di-kto-x’a (diktóxʔa) - empty by pulling contents out

ex: zhaⁿ xdo-x’a o-pʰe (žą xdóxʔa opʰé) - he entered a hollow tree [JOD]

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ xthu-’a (zhoⁿqthú’a) - hollow log or tree [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ xthu-’a (zhoⁿxthua) - wood barrel [Omaha]; zhoⁿ xthu-ʰk’a (zhóⁿ-xthu-ḳ’a), zhoⁿ xthu-’a (zhóⁿ-xthú-’a) - a hollow tree [FL-Osage]

Dhegiha: xthu-’a (qthu’a) - hollow [Omaha/Ponca]; xthu-’a (xthu’a) - hollow; empty [Omaha]; xthu-ʰk’a (xthu-ḳ’a), xthu-’a (xthú-’a), xtho-ʰk’a (xthó-ḳ’a) - hollow, any kind of hollow in a tree or log; empty, emptiness [FL-Osage]; xlo-k’a (xlók’a) - hollow, empty [Kaw]


tree, ironwood tree

zhoⁿ ta-kaⁿ koⁿ (žǫ́ ttakką́ kǫ) - ironwood tree

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree;

Dhegiha: he-tʰa-zhoⁿ-tʰa (hétʰazhóⁿtʰa) - ironwood [Omaha/Ponca]; he-ta-zhoⁿ-ta (hétazhoⁿta) - ironwood tree [Omaha]


tree, maple tree

we-sa-de hi (wésade hí) - soft maple, “black dye tree”

cf. we (we) - that by which, with which to; sa-de (sáde) - blacken, cause to be black; sa (sa) - black that is near, distinct; de (de) - cause to, to cause; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg; iⁿ-te sa-de (įtté sáde) - to fast, lit. “blacken the face”; we-ska-de (wéskade) - soap, “whiten with it”

Dhegiha: we-na-sha-be the hi (wénashabe the hi) - Maple Tree [Omaha]; we-sha-be-the hiu (wé-sha-be-the-hiu) - maple sugar, the bark of this tree was used for making a black dye [FL-Osage]; we-tso sa-be hu (wéco sábe hu) - sugar maple [Kaw]


zhoⁿ-ni hi (žǫní hi) - maple tree, Acer saccharum

cf. zhoⁿ ni (žǫní), zhaⁿ ni (žąní) - maple sugar, “tree sap”; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿní) - sugar, syrup, honey; “wood water, wood sap” [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿni) - sap, candy, fudge, sugar [Omaha]; zhaⁿ ni (jaⁿ-ní) - “wood water, wood sap,” sugar; syrup; strained honey [JOD-Omaha]; zhoⁿ ni (zhoⁿní) - sugar, candy, “wood water” [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ ni (žąąníi) - sugar, lit., “tree water”, originally referring to maple sap or syrup [CQ-Osage]; zhaⁿ ni (zhaⁿní) - sugar, “tree liquid” [Kaw]


tree, mulberry tree

zhaⁿ to-hi (žą ttohi) - mulberry tree [MS]

Dhegiha: zoⁿ-zi u-kʰe-thiⁿ (zoⁿzí ukʰéthiⁿ) - mulberry, common mulberry [Omaha/Ponca]; zoⁿ-zi (zoⁿzí) - Moraceae, Osage Orange, mulberry [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ-zi (zhoⁿçi) - Osage Orange Tree, Mulberry Tree [Omaha]; zho ʰtoⁿ hi (zhó-ṭoⁿ hi) - mulberry tree (Morus), known as Indian mulberry [FL-Osage]; zhoⁿ da-da-ze (zhóⁿ-da-da-çe) - the mulberry tree (Morus), when this wood is used for fuel it makes a crackling sound [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ da-da-ze (zháⁿ dadáze) - mulberry tree, used for making pipe stems [Kaw]


tree, oak tree

pi-de kde-ze hi (ppíde kdéze hi) - red oak, lit. “striped tree”

cf. pi-de (ppíde) - acorn, acorns; kde-ze (kdezé) - striped; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: bu-de hi (búde hi) - red oak [Omaha]; ʰpi-si hi (p̣i-çí hi) - red oak tree (Quercus rubra) [FL-Osage]; ʰpi-su hu (ʰpisúhu) - oak, lit., “acorn tree” [CQ-Osage]; pu-su hu (pusúhu) - jack oak, a species that bears smallest acorns [Kaw]


pi-de sha hi (ppíde šá hi) - white oak, named for the color of its acorns

cf. pi-de (ppíde) - acorn, acorns; sha (ša) - dark, indistinct black; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: bu-de hi (búde hi) - red oak [Omaha]; ʰpi-si hi (p̣i-çí hi) - red oak tree (Quercus rubra) [FL-Osage]; ʰpi-su hu (ʰpisúhu) - oak, lit., “acorn tree” [CQ-Osage]; pu-su hu (pusúhu) - jack oak, a species that bears smallest acorns [Kaw]

Dhegiha: pi-si sha-be hi (p̣i-çí sha-be hi) - the dark acorn tree [FL-Osage]


pi-de ste-te hi (ppíde stétte hi) - water oak, lit. “tall acorn tree”

cf. pi-de (ppíde) - acorn, acorns; ste-te (stétte) - tall, long; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: bu-de hi (búde hi) - red oak [Omaha]; ʰpi-si hi (p̣i-çí hi) - red oak tree (Quercus rubra) [FL-Osage]; ʰpi-su hu (ʰpisúhu) - oak, lit., “acorn tree” [CQ-Osage]; pu-su hu (pusúhu) - jack oak, a species that bears smallest acorns [Kaw]

Dhegiha: pi-si stse-dse (p̣i-çí-stse-dse) - long acorn, acorn of the white oak [FL-Osage]; pi-si stse-dse hi (p̣i-çí-stse-dse hi) - the long acorn tree [FL-Osage]


ta-shka hi (ttaškáhi) - burr oak, Quercus macrocarpa

cf. ta-shka (ttašká) - acorn of the burr oak; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: ta-shka hi (táshkahi) - white oak tree [Omaha/Ponca]; ʰta-shka ska hi  (ṭá-shka çka hi) - white oak tree [FL-Osage]; ʰta-shka hi (ṭá-shka hi) - buckeye (Aesculus), a kind of tea is made from this tree and taken just before a sweat bath to bring up bile, this is also the name given to the white oak tree [FL-Osage]; ta-shka hu (táshka hu) - the burr oak [Kaw]; ʰta-shka skiu-e hi  (ṭa-shká-çkiu-e hi) - a sweet acorn tree, the oak family (Quercus alba) [FL-Osage]


zhaⁿ-ha di-sha-sha-ke hi (žąhá díšašákehi) - blackjack oak, Q. marilandia

cf. zhoⁿ-ha (žǫhá), zhaⁿ-ha (žąhá) - bark of a tree; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ-ha (zhóⁿha) - bark, tree bark (on the tree) [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ-ha (zhóⁿ-ha) - the outer bark of a tree [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ-ha (žą́ą háa) - outer bark of a tree [CQ-Osage]

Dhegiha: thi-sha-sha-ge (thíshashage) - wrinkle [Omaha]; bi-thi-sha-sha-ge (bithíshasháge) - to get the hair matted from lying down [Omaha/Ponca]


zhaⁿ sha (žǫšá) - black oak, Q. velutina

zhaⁿ sha (žą šá) - black tree [MS]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; sha (ša) - dark, indistinct black

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ sha-be hi (zhóⁿ sha-be hi) - dark wood, the redbud or Judas tree (Cercis Canadensis) [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ sha-be hu (zháⁿ shabe hu) - redbud tree, lit. “the dark wood tree” [Kaw]


zhoⁿ xo-te (žǫ xótte) - post oak, Q. stellate

zhaⁿ xo-te (žą xótte) - gray tree [MS]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; xo-te (xótte) - gray

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ xu-dse (zhóⁿ-xu-dse) - white oak [FL-Osage]; zhoⁿ xu-dse (zhoⁿ xú-dse) - gray oak tree (Quercus borealis), oak tree [FL-Osage]; zhoⁿ xo-dse hi (zhóⁿ-xo-dse hi) - the gray tree, the post oak, this tree is sometimes known as the iron oak, but should not be confused with ironwood [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ xo-je hu (zháⁿ xoje hú) - white oak tree, lit. “gray wood tree”, the white oak, it has a large trunk, about 2 1/2 ft. in diameter [Kaw]


tree, peach tree

koⁿ-te di-zho-de hi (kkǫ́tte dižóde hi) - free stone peach tree

cf. koⁿ-te di-zho-de (kkǫ́tte dižóde) - free stone peach; kaⁿ-te (kką́tte) - apple [MS, OM]; di-zho-de (dižóde) - hull, peel; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: koⁿ-de (kóⁿde) - a plum, plums [Omaha/Ponca]; koⁿ-de (koⁿde) - plum [Omaha]; kaⁿ-de (k͓áⁿ-de) - a plum; plums [JOD-Omaha]; ʰko-dse (ḳóⁿ-dse) - plums, any kind of fruit, as plums, peaches, apples, applied to fruit in general [FL-Osage]; ʰkaⁿ-tse (ʰką́ące) - apple; fruit [CQ-Osage]; kaⁿ-je (káⁿje) - plum; fruit [Kaw]

Dhegiha: thi-zhu (thizhu) - shell [Omaha]; thi-zhu-e (thí-zhu-e) - to hull, to take off the outer coating of grain, nuts, etc. [FL-Osage]; yu-zho-we (yuzhówe), yu-zhu-we (yuzhúwe) - hull nuts with the hands, to remove the hull or skin of any object with the hands; to hull walnuts, beans, hazelnuts, etc. when green, with the hands [Kaw]

Dhegiha: hi (hi) - stalk, stem, trunk, leg, tooth [Omaha/Ponca]; hi (hi) - tree trunk, plant stalk, plant vine, tooth, leg [Omaha]; hi (hi), hiu (hiu) - trunk of a tree, vines, stalks of plants, a leg [FL-Osage]; hu (hú), hiu (hiú), hi (hi) - trunk, stalk, leg [CQ-Osage]; hu (hu) - trunk of a tree, vine, limb, leg [Kaw]


kaⁿ-te taⁿ-ka hi (kkątté ttą́ka hi) - clingstone peach tree

cf. kaⁿ-te (kką́tte) - apple [MS, OM]; taⁿ-ka (ttą́ka) - big, large; kaⁿ-te taⁿ-ka (kkątté ttą́ka) - clingstone peach; kaⁿ-te taⁿ-ka (konteh-tonkah) - peach (pêche fruit) [GI]; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: koⁿ-de (kóⁿde) - a plum, plums [Omaha/Ponca]; koⁿ-de (koⁿde) - plum [Omaha]; kaⁿ-de (k͓áⁿ-de) - a plum; plums [JOD-Omaha]; ʰko-dse (ḳóⁿ-dse) - plums, any kind of fruit, as plums, peaches, apples, applied to fruit in general [FL-Osage]; ʰkaⁿ-tse (ʰką́ące) - apple; fruit [CQ-Osage]; kaⁿ-je (káⁿje) - plum; fruit [Kaw]

Dhegiha: hi (hi) - stalk, stem, trunk, leg, tooth [Omaha/Ponca]; hi (hi) - tree trunk, plant stalk, plant vine, tooth, leg [Omaha]; hi (hi), hiu (hiu) - trunk of a tree, vines, stalks of plants, a leg [FL-Osage]; hu (hú), hiu (hiú), hi (hi) - trunk, stalk, leg [CQ-Osage]; hu (hu) - trunk of a tree, vine, limb, leg [Kaw]

Dhegiha: koⁿ-de hi (kóⁿde hi) - plum bushes [Omaha/Ponca]; koⁿ-de hi (koⁿde hi) - plum tree [Omaha]; kaⁿ-je hu (káⁿje hu) - plum tree [Kaw]


tree, pecan tree

wa-ta-sto-ta hi (watástottá hi) - pecan tree

wa-ta-sto-ta hi (watástottá hi) - pecan tree [MS]

cf. wa-ta-sto-ta (watástotta) - pecan (nut); hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: wa-da-sto-sta (wa-dá-çto-çta hi), wa-ʰta-sto-sta (wa-ṭá-çto-çta hiu) - pecan tree [FL-Osage]; wa-ta-sto-sta hu (watástostahú) - pecan tree [CQ-Osage]

Dhegiha: wa-da-sto-sta (wa-dá-çto-çta) - pecan nuts [FL-Osage]; wa-ta-sto-sta (watástosta), wa-ta-sto-e (watástoe), wa-ta-shtsʰo-tsʰe (watáščoče) - pecan nut [CQ-Osage]


tree, persimmon tree

shta-naⁿ hi (štaną́hi) - persimmon tree

cf. shta-naⁿ-ke (štaną́ke) - persimmon; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: sta-iⁿ-ge hi (çta-íⁿ-ge hi) - persimmon tree [FL-Osage]; staⁿ-yiⁿ-ge hu (stáⁿyiⁿge hu) - persimmon tree [Kaw]

Dhegiha: sta-iⁿ-ge (çta-íⁿ-ge) - persimmon, this food was used for food by the Osage, when ripe it was gathered, the seeds taken out, then dried on a rack made of long woven saplings [FL-Osage]; wa-staⁿ-iⁿ-ke (wastą́įke), sta-hiⁿ-ke (staahį́ke) - persimmon [CQ-Osage]; staⁿ-yiⁿ-ge (stáⁿyiⁿge) - persimmon [Kaw]


tree, pine tree

pa-saⁿ hi (pasąhi) - pine tree

cf. pa-saⁿ (pásą), pa-soⁿ (pásǫ), ba-soⁿ (básǫ) - pine; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg; pa-saⁿ-ta (pásątta) - pine bluff, Quapaw Agency, IT

Dhegiha: ba-zoⁿ hi (bá-çoⁿ hi) - pine tree, spruce tree, spruce or pine trees [FL-Osage]; ba-zaⁿ hu (bázaⁿhu) - pine tree [Kaw]


tree, redbud tree

zhoⁿ-xda zhi-te hi (žǫ́xda žítte hi) - redbud tree, Cercis canadensis

cf. zhaⁿ-xda zhi-te (žąxda žítte) - red buds [JOD]; zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; xta (xta), xda (xdá) - blossom, bud; zhi-te (žítte) - red; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ-xtha (zhóⁿ-xtha) - tree buds or blossoms [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ-la (žą́ąʰlaa) - blossom or flower on a tree [CQ-Osage]


tree, spicewood tree

naⁿ-pe di-ta-ze hi (nąpé dittáze hí) - spice bush, spicewood tree, lit. “cracks across the grain”

cf. di-ta-ze (dittáze) - crackling sound, snapping; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: thi-da-ze (thidáze) - to make the sound “z+!” once, as thunder does [Omaha/Ponca]


tree, sycamore tree

zhoⁿ saⁿ (žǫ́ są) - sycamore, Platanus occidental

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; saⁿ (są) - white in the distance

Dhegiha: zhoⁿ soⁿ (zhoⁿsóⁿ) - sycamore tree [Omaha/Ponca]; zhoⁿ soⁿ hi (zhoⁿ çóⁿ hi) - sycamore, white tree [FL-Osage]; zhaⁿ saⁿ (zháⁿ saⁿ) - sycamore tree [Kaw]


tree, to cut a tree or wood

zhaⁿ ka-ba-xe (žą kabáγe) - to cut a tree or wood [MS]

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; ka-ba-xe (kabáγe) - cut (a cord) in two

Dhegiha: ga-ba-xe (ga-ba-xe) - to break a string; to cut; demolisher [FL-Osage]


tree, walnut tree

ta-ke hi (ttaké hi) - black walnut tree

cf. ta-ke (ttáke) - black walnut; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: ta-ge hi (tágehi) - the black walnut tree, the Juglans nigra [Omaha/Ponca]; ta-ge hi (tage hi) - black walnut tree [Omaha]; ʰta-ge hi (ṭá-ge hi) - black walnut tree [FL-Osage]; ta-gu hu (tágu hu) - black walnut tree [Kaw]


tree, willow tree

di-xe hi (díγe hi) - willow tree

cf. di-xe (díγe) - willow; hi (hi) - tree, bush, vine, stalk, leg

Dhegiha: thi-xe (thíxe) - a willow [Omaha/Ponca]; thi-xe (thíxe) - willow [Omaha]; thiu-xe (thiú-xe), thu-xe (thú-xe), tho-xe (thó-xe) - willow tree [FL-Osage]; yu-ghe (yúghe) - willow [Kaw]


trees abound, forest

zhoⁿ o-toⁿ (žǫ́ ottǫ́), zhaⁿ o-ta (žą́ ottá) - forest, “trees abound”

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; o-taⁿ (ottǫ́), o-taⁿ (ottą́) - abound; o (o) - locative, place at which, at a place, culmination of a certain action or state, wherein a certain thing takes place; in, inside, into; taⁿ (ttą), toⁿ (ttǫ) - possess, have

Dhegiha: tʰaⁿ (t’áⁿ) - abound, abounds, to abound; there is; to possess [JOD-Omaha]; tʰoⁿ (tʰoⁿ) - to exist, there is/there are; to abound; to have or possess [Omaha/Ponca]; ʰtoⁿ (ṭoⁿ) - to possess [FL-Osage]; toⁿ (toⁿ) - have, possess [Kaw]; taⁿ-daⁿ (táⁿdaⁿ) - midwinter, “when things abound” [Kaw]


trees in a curvilinear clump

zhoⁿ o-toⁿ o-shpe (žǫ́ ottǫ́ ošpé) - trees in a curvilinear clump

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; zhoⁿ o-toⁿ (žǫ́ ottǫ́), zhaⁿ o-ta (žą́ ottá) - forest; o-shpe (ošpé) - fragment

Dhegiha: u-shpe (u-shpé) - a fragment [FL-Osage]; o-shpe zhiⁿ (ošpéžį) - fragment, small piece, chip, bit, bits and baubles, one’s small things, change left over after a purchase, coins, small change, pennies [CQ-Osage]


trees in scattered clumps

zhaⁿ o-toⁿ o-shpa-shpa (žą ottǫ́ ošpášpa), zhoⁿ o-toⁿ o-shpa-shpa (žǫ́ ottǫ́ ošpášpa) - trees in scattered clumps

cf. zhaⁿ (žą), zhoⁿ (žǫ) - wood, tree; zhoⁿ o-toⁿ (žǫ́ ottǫ́), zhaⁿ o-ta (žą́ ottá) - forest; zhaⁿ o-toⁿ o-shpe (žą ottǫ́ ošpé), zhoⁿ o-toⁿ o-shpe (žǫ́ ottǫ́ ošpé) - trees in a curvilinear clump; xoⁿ-te-hi o-taⁿ (xǫttéhi ottą́) - Rock Creek, I.T.; lit. “cedars abound in it”; near Quapaw, OK; o-shpe (ošpé) - fragment; ka-shpe (kašpé) - cut off, knock off a piece

Dhegiha: shpa-shpa (shpashpa) - fragment [Omaha]; u-shpa-shpa (ushpáshpa) - piece, remnant [Omaha/Ponca]; ba-shpa-shpa (bá-shpa-shpa) - to cut an apple or potato into many pieces with a knife [FL-Osage]; ga-shpa-shpa (gashpáshpa) - chip off many pieces [Kaw]


trees, bottom land with trees

o-zo ti-o-we (ozó ttiowé) - bottom land with trees, name of one of the original Quapaw towns

cf. o-zo ti-o-hi (ozó ttióhi) - bottom land near a river, down on bottom

Dhegiha: u-zu (u-çú) - lowland forest [FL-Osage]; o-zo (ozó) - lowland, low wooded level [CQ-Osage]; o-zo (ozó) - wooded area, bottom land with timber; timber [Kaw]

Dhegiha: u-zu u-gthoⁿ (ú-çu-u-gthoⁿ) - lowland forest in the bend of a stream [FL-Osage]; u-zu i-ha zhiⁿ-ga (u-çú-i-ha zhiⁿ-ga) - at one time there was a large bend in the stream, which was nearly closed; the meaning of the name is small mouth; it is near the u-zu (u-çu) or woods, what is known as Bartlesville, Kans. This was the site of the fourth camp in the fisrt trail, also of the third trail [FL-Osage]; o-zo-liⁿ (ozóliⁿ) - village in the bottom land with timber, the name of a village, literally, “they live in the timber”; o-zo taⁿ-ga (ozó táⁿga) - extensive bottom land, abounding in timber [Kaw]


trees, highland covered with trees

di-xa-zhi (dixáži) - highland covered with trees, also hill

ex: di-xa-zhi miⁿ e-ti-kʰe dé (dixáži mį ettí-kʰe dé) - a hill is truly there [JOD]

ex: e-shoⁿ di-xa-zhi niⁿ-kʰe shte-ke naⁿ, i-ya (ešǫ́ dixáži nįkʰé štéke ną, iyá) - then the hill split in two, it is said [JOD]

ex: di-xa-zhi wa-da-xo-we (dixáži wadáxowe) - hill that ate people from Quapaw mythology

ex: di-xa-zhi wa-da-xo-we miⁿ e-ti-kʰe naⁿ, i-ya (dixáži wadáxowe mį ettí-kʰe ną, iyá) - there was a Hill that drew things (people) into its mouth, it is said [JOD]

ex: ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-ti hi-naⁿ, di-xa-zhi wa-da-xo-we i-ba-hoⁿ naⁿ, i-ya (maštį́ke étti hí-ną, dixáži wadáxowé íbahǫ ną́, iyá) - when Rabbit arrived there, hill that draws things (people) into its mouth knew him, it is said [JOD]

ex: di-xa-zhi wa-da-xo-we ni-kʰe, aⁿ-da-xo-wa! (dixáži wadáxowé nikʰé, ądáxowá!) - you are the hill that draws things (people) into its mouth, draw me in! [JOD]

ex: “iⁿ-kaⁿ-e! di-xa-zhi wa-da-xo-we niⁿ-kʰe t’e-a-de e-de,” i-yi i-ya (“įkką́-e! dixáži wadáxowé nįkʰé tʔeádé edé,” iyí iyá) - “o’ my grandmother! I have truly killed the Hill that draws things (people) into its mouth!” it is said he said [JOD]



di-bdi-bdi-xe (dibdíbdiγe) - tremble all over

Dhegiha: thi-bthi-bthi-xe (thibthíbthixe) - to tremble all over [Omaha/Ponca]; thi-bthu-bthu-xe (thi-bthú-bthu-xe) - to tremble or shake with fear; to shudder with cold [FL-Osage]; thi-bru-bru-xe (ðibrúbruγe) - shake; quiver; tremble [CQ-Osage]


di-ka-ka (dikkákka) - tremble, shake




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