This resource is a collection of historical news articles related to the Quapaw Tribe and where possible we have included the source information and dates. These news articles are a valuable historical glimpse into the past lives and history of the Quapaw Tribe.


Baxter Springs News, March 22nd, 1890
A large number of Indians were up before his honor Commissioner Daniels yesterday as witnesses in the case against Frank Buck charged with assaulting Charley Quapaw, chief of the Quapaw Tribe.

Bazter Springs News, June 7th, 1890
Last Friday John Quapaw and Frank Buck, tow Quapaw Indians, living on the Quapaw reserve south of this city sold a steer and went to Seneca where they purchased a gallon of Missouri Tanglefoot and returned to the reservation, going to the home of one Antoine Greenback, another Quapaw, arriving there about daylight Saturday morning. The three began drinking freely of the whiskey and it is said Quapaw and Greenback became involved in a quarrel during which Quapaw struck Greenback on the head with a hickory club about four feet long. He also struck him across the breast and other parts of the body. It was though Greenback was fatally hurt, but he is alive and may recover. Quapaw and Buck were arrested by Deputy United States Marshal John Jones and brought to this city where their preliminary trial was held in Commissioner Daniels' court. The charge was assault with intent to kill. Buck was held as an accessory. Being unable to give bond they were committed to jail.

The Columbus Daily Advocate, Columbus, KS,  February 15th, 1896
Buffalo Calf and Mrs. Vallier of the Quapaw Nation, I.T. are up to day to visit Amos Vallier, son of the above woman, who is confined in the county jail here awaiting trial at Fort Scott for the killing of Joe Big Knife, an Indian policeman a short time ago.

Baxter Springs News, May 29th, 1897
Died, at his laye home six miles south fo this city on Tuesday, May 25th, 1897, aged about fifty-seven years, Buffalo Calf of pneumonia. Deceased was a member of the Quapaw tribe of Indian and was prominent in the councils of his people. Funeral services were held at the residence on Wednesday of this week and the remains interred on the farm of the deceased.

Baxter Springs News, December 31, 1898
DIED - At his home in the Quapaw reservation on Sunday, December 25th, 1898, Frank Buck, a prominent member of the Quapaw tribe of Indians. Mr. Buck was ill only a few hours and hi taking off was a great surprise. He was in town the day before in appently the best of health.

Modern Light, Columbus, KS,  February 26th, 1903
George Vallier, the Indian whom Dennis Meech beat up so badly at Baxter died at that place last week. Meech's preliminary will be held on Feb 26th and the charge is changed from
assault to murder.
The Baxter News has the following about the dead man:
George Vallier was a Quapaw Indian highly respected by all who knew him, and a printer by trade. He was about 80 years old. His father was Sam Vallier, who died from tarantula bite when George was a baby. Sam Vallier was a fine man and well educated. George's mother is Mrs. Buffalo, widow of the late Buffalo Calf, who was her second husband. Frank Vallier, who raised George after his father died, is a half brother.

Baxter Springs Kansas News, 7-27-1907
Solomon Quapaw is soliciting for the picnic at the Promenade on the Fourth. All that can should go.
Francis Quapaw went to Lawrence, Kans, to return to with the children who are coming home to spend vacation.
All go to Promenade on river in Quapaw reserve on Fourth if you want to enjoy a fine time.
Big barbecue and swings and boat riding on the river. A fine place


The Weekly Chieftain Vinita, Craig County Oklahoma, 7-12-1912
The ?th Annual Indian Reunion and Green Corn Feast to be held at Wyandotte, Okla; July 30th to August 3rd this year, promises to surpass all previous efforts along this line.
Every form of entertainment conducive to a general good time has been provided for. The big Stomp Dance and feast will be participated in by members of the Wyandotte, Seneca, Modoc, Shawnee, Peoria, Quapaw, Miami, Cherokee and Osage tribes. Free bread and beef and free tents will be furnished by the management to camping Indians.
This is said to be the greatest Indian gathering of modern times and Wyandotte is making extensive preparations to take care of the huge crowd for five days.


Baxter Springs News, June 15, 1916
4th of July Celebration! Six Big Days at Devil's Promenade! Big Free Barbecue for the Indians!
Amusements of All Kinds! Stomp Dances Every Night! Foot ball daily, Bucks Vs. Squaws.
War Dances Every Day!
Pink Weaver's Merry-Go-Round and Fine Shows, Carrying Their Own Lighting System, Will be There!
For Privileges see Francis Goodeagle, Charlie Goodeagle, or Pete Clabber.


The Forty-second Annual Indian Celebration and Reunion of the various tribes is being staged at the Devil's Promenade, five miles south of Baxter springs June 19 to 24 inclusive. Clearing up the grounds and the erection of camping houses began several weeks ago and members of various tribes have been arriving all week in anticipation of the big events which began last night.
The Indians come in native garb, live in the great out-of-doors, cook in huge iron kettles, much as they did years ago. Two huge buffalos were brought from the 101 Ranch, at Bliss, Okla, and will be barbecued Sunday and Monday. Tents are furnished free to those encamped. The eats, which are of the best, cooked true Indian style, are free to the tribesmen and their families.
The grounds are well lighted- the private plant of Chas. Wright of this city, having been installed on the grounds. In line with this, it might be mentioned that Mr. Wright and family are occupying the most complete camping cabin on the grounds. Mr. Wright, with Buck Slagle and Victor Griffin of the Promenade have charge of the arrangements 'of this vast reunion.
Beginning last night and continuing every day and evening, there will be dancing, which will include all the steps, from the Indian stomp dance to the latest, airiest of the Paleface tribes, And they do say the Indian possesses a grace with the modern dances that suspasses his pale-faced brother.
The celebration will draw large crowds from surrounding country.


A big Indian celebration, to last three days, will begin Saturday, August 30, at the Indian Park, Devil's Promenade, six miles southeast of Baxter Springs. The Indians of the various tribes will be represented and will camp as usual, the campers to assemble August 29. Teepes will be furnished for visiting Indians.
The afternoons will be devoted to the Indian ball games, which are played with Sticks. The only clothing worn during the game is their breech cloths. The evenings will be given over to various Indian contest dances. War dances will be given by the 'Sac and Fox tribes. All Indians can dance who are in dancing regalia.
The festivities are in charge of Victor Griffin, Charlie Wright and P.J Slagle who were managers of the celebration held in June. And we all now that these men know how to put over a celebration.

INDIAN CELEBRATION, JUNE 24th to 28th 1925
At East Side of River From Devil's Promenade at INDIAN'S GROUNDS
7 Miles Southwest of Baxter Springs, Kansas; 16 miles Southwest of Joplin on Joplin-Miami road.
Representatives of all tribes in the United States TEEPEES--FULL INDIAN REGALIA
Some scalps include ears like taken from bleeding victims.
Biggest Collection of Indian Relics In the United States Will be shown Free.
4 days of Fun All Kinds of Indian Games. $100 in cash for Best Indian Dancer. Open to All Tribes.
Grounds will be under supervision of Federal Prohibition Enforcement Officers. Good Order is assured.
Admission is 25 cents. Committee: Charles Wright, Victor Grifffin and Buck Slagle.


Joplin Globe, June 15 1925
Charles Wright, Victor Griffith and Buck Slagel with other Quapaw Indians have planned and are completing arrangements for one of the largest and most unique Indian celebrations ever held in this section. To be held seven miles south of this city on the east side of river from Devil's Promenade.
Among other features of their celebration will be the most celebrated and complete collection of Indian curios in the entire world. This collection is in the possession of W.R. Black, who is an Indian trader and has been more than forty years in acquiring this exhibit
The most interesting and unusual feature of his collection is that more than 250 human scalps, some of which have ears attached as they were when taken from their victims, one of which has the original hair, about three feet in length and one ear, and many others with their interesting histories will be on display.
This celebration is planned for a four-day session in which will be executed some of the most weird and primitive. Indian dances, and an individual dance to the winner of which a $100 dollar prize is to be given to which contest any Indian of any tribe will be admitted.
More than sixty tribes of Indians of Oklahoma and Kansas are expected to be present and to make the celebration complete and interesting display of modes of dress and manners of living that characterized their Tribes when in their uncivilized states. More than 5,000 persons, Indians and whites are expected to be in attendance at this picnic during its progress.


Many Indians of the Quapaw Tribe, living in and around Baxter Springs, to the South, returned Thursday from a triumphal parade to Haskell Institute, at Lawrence Kansas.
They had gone to Lawrence to attend the graduating exercises at Haskell,and were received with great homage and honors by the student body of the institution, because of the many contributions made by the Quapaws, for the erection of the stadium at Haskell where where many of their tribe are being educated.
It is said that the Quapaws, many of whom are rich and have contributed more than $60,000.00 to the stadium fund, are the richest, most progressive and highly educated of any tribes in the Kansas and Oklahoma section.
In their parade and march to and from Lawrence they were led by five chiefs and former chiefs, Peter Clabber, John Beaver, John Quapaw, and Antoine Greenback and by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright of the city.
Many of the Quapaw tribe are reputed to be millionaires and have for many years been generous in their gifts to religious and educational institutions.
From Haskell Institute have gone out many Indians who have become useful citizens, some if them occupying prominent places in state national affairs.


Miami Herald July 4, 1900
Devils Promenade
Thos. Lewis spent the 4th and 5th at Devils Promenade. Says there was a large crowd present, largely made up of Indians. there were some Osages there eating medicine and with others engaging in the ghost dance and stomp dances. The ghost dance was kept up all the night of 4th. Some drunkenness amongst the Indians. But when one got unruly from that cause or any other, they would tie him up to a tree where he could do no mischief, and let him stay there until quiet.


The "Devil's Promenade," a rousing pow-wow given yearly by the Quapaw Indians of Ottawa county, will start June 28, east of Spring River, 13 miles northeast of Miami and south of Baxter Springs, Kansas.
There will be various kinds of entertainment--baseball games each day, Indian war dances, foot races and contest dancing between different Indian tribes. A good band has been secured for the four big days of entertainment.
Free tables will be set for all visiting Indians--but don' forget your bedding. However, tents will be furnished to those who do not have them.
The Quapaws are "cousins" of the Osages and have become wealthy because of their large zinc and lead holdings in that locality. And for that reason, they wish to be your hosts this month. The committee of entertainment are: Grace Wright, secretary, Baxter Springs; R.J. Slagle, F.L. Hallam, Alec Beaver; and Victor Griffin.


Baxter Springs News June 17, 1926
The Haskell Indian band of 33 pieces, arrived last night to provide music for the Quapaw Indian pow wow which was started this morning on the east bank of Spring River opposite the Devil's Promenade and will continue until Sunday night.
The band is composed of all Indians from the famous Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan, several of the students of which live in this district.
The Devil's Promenade is less than ten miles south of Baxter Springs. Its beauty is well known here and throughout Oklahoma where it is known was one of the greatest natural parks in the state. Among the scenic wonders of the park is the great cliff overlooking Spring river and its natural platform of rock, or promenade is whose surface is interlaid with a series of round rocks known as Devil's biscuits. A rocky prominence a short distance south of the promenade is known as Lovers' Leap, which overlooks the river at a height of about 60 feet. An Indian legend has been told and re-told for sixty or more years, about a Quapaw maiden and a chief from another tribe, who were lovers but were kept from marriage by their relatives. When the two attempted to elope, they were pressed close by pursuers and both sprang from their horses and after reaching the highest point of the rock, they jumped off into the water and drowned according to the legend.
From the bridge over the river a small flat rock may be seen which has for many years been called "Table Rock" on account of its height and surface being similar to a table large enough to accommodate four to six people. Table rock has been the prize sought by many a party of picnicers who spread their lunch upon it.
The Quapaw Indians about 75 of whom are full bloods are at the scene dressed principally as their white neighbors. The cars which convey them to the grounds are of the costliest and speediest models of American manufacture. The tribe is host to hundreds of Indians of neighboring and distant tribes and three bears have been slaughtered for food in addition to a number of hogs and beeves.
The stomp dancers are perhaps the chief attraction. The members of the vanishing race will leave their modern environment of splendid homes, high powered cars and stylish clothing to don again the gaudy feathers and head dress, they paint their faces in aboriginal hues and gather around a burning pile of council brands to chat in native tongue and stomp to the weird rhythmic sounds of the tom tom.
Many are camped in the "White City", to enjoy the four gala days. The Indians are especially fond of the camp life.
Indian football, played with a diamond shaped solid about the size of a mans two fists will be one of the recreative sports. In the game the men play against the women and each team has different rules to equalize their playing power.
Four prizes totalling $100 will be awarded in an archery contest; $50 to the first team;$25 to the second team;$15 to the third and $10 to the fourth team.
In the war dances $130 in prize money will be distributed. In the men's contest the money will be divided $100, $50, $20, and $10 and for boys under 18 years old the prizes will be divided $25, $15, $7.50 and $2.50.
The pow wow promises to be the greatest affair of its kind ever staged in this district and fully 30,000 attendance and four acres of parked cars are expected. The affair was arranged by a committee consisting of Charles Wright of Baxter Springs, chairman and Victor Griffin, Quapaw tribal interpretor, Lincolnville, Okla. and Jesse Slagle of the Devil's Promenade.