The Rabbit and the Black Bears: a Dhegiha myth, told in Kwapa by
Alphonsus Valliere
recorded by James Owen Dorsey


Story in English
(further explanation)
Story in Quapaw using phonetic spelling
Story in Quapaw using Siouan IPA
Literal translation of Quapaw words


Rabbit and his grandmother, the both of them lived together, it is said.

ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-kaⁿ naⁿ-pa ti-kde ni-kʰa naⁿ, i-ya.

maštį́ke eką́ ną́pa ttikdé nikʰa ną, iyá.

rabbit/his grandmother/two, both/to live together in same tent, to set up housekeeping/3pl continuative sitting/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Do not go to the village of the black bears!” his grandmother said to him, it is said.

“wa-sa ti-kde ke ta e-ti te na-ha!” i-ke i-ya e-kaⁿ niⁿ-kʰe.

“wasá ttikdé ke tta étti tté nahá!” iké iyá eką́ nįkʰe.

black bear/collection of lodges, village/the plural, standing, inanimate/to, at, toward, in that direction/there/you go/prohibitive, beware lest/say (the preceding) to someone/quotative, hearsay evidential/his grandmother/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


“The black bears make fun of mankind, they are extremely cruel to mankind.

wa-sa ke ni-ka-shi-ka i-xa-xa taⁿ-da he-we di-si-si-ke hi-niⁿ-ha ’oⁿ-we.

wasá ke níkkašíka íxaxa ttą́da héwe disísike hínįhá ʔǫ́we.

black bear/the plural, standing, animate/people/laugh often, make fun of/very, too/?/mistreat, abuse/to do one’s utmost, to the limit/pluralizer


You do not go there! They will sure enough abuse you.

e-ti te na-ha! i-di-si-si-ke hi ta-i e-de.

étti tté nahá! idísisike hi ttai edé.

there/you go/prohibitive, beware lest/you mistreated, you abused/very/will, plural/really, indeed


The black bear chief dwells in a lodge beyond yonder distant bluff.

wa-sa ka-hi-ke niⁿ-kʰe a-ni koi-hi-de-niⁿ-kʰe ti ti-kde niⁿ-kʰe.

wasá kahíke niⁿkʰe áni kóihidénįkʰe tti ttikdé niⁿkʰe.

black bear/chief/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/hill/that remote singular, sitting, visible/at, by, in, locative/to set up housekeeping, to live together in same tent, collection of lodges, village/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


You do not go there!” it is said that his grandmother said.

e-ti te na-ha!” i-yi i-ya e-kaⁿ-ki-da-i.

étti tté nahá!” iyí iyá eką́kídai.

there/you go/prohibitive, beware lest/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/the one whom he had for his grandmother


Then, after some time, rabbit took his bow and went there, it is said.

hoⁿ-tʰaⁿ-hi maⁿ-te kdi-ze naⁿ e-ti de i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

hǫ́tʰąhi mą́tte kdíze ną étti dé iyá maštį́ke.

then, at length/bow/take one's own/when/there/he go/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


The rabbit arrived there, to where the black bear chief resides, it is said.

wa-sa ka-hi-ke niⁿ-kʰe ti e-ti hi naⁿ i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

wasá kahíke niⁿkʰe ti étti hi ną iyá maštį́ke.

black bear/chief/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/at, by, in, locative/there/arrive, reach there/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


Rabbit arrived at the entrance of the lodge and stood there, pretending to cry, it is said.

ti-zhe ti hi na-zhiⁿ a-taⁿ xa-ke koⁿ-ze tʰaⁿ naⁿ i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

ttíže tti hi nažį́ attą γaké kǫ́ze tʰą ną iyá maštį́ke.

door, entrance to a lodge/at, by, in, locative/arrive, reach there/stand/and/cry, weep/pretend, feign/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


“Rabbit, why are you crying?” it is said that the black bear said.

“ma-shtiⁿ-ke, hoⁿ-niⁿ-taⁿ da-xa-ke e” i-yi i-ya wa-sa niⁿ-kʰe.

“maštį́ke, hǫnį́ttą daγáke e” iyí iyá wasá niⁿkʰe.

rabbit/why/you cry/question sign/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/black bear/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


“Yes, my uncle,

hoⁿ, wi-te-ke,

hǫ, wítteke

yes/my uncle, my mother’s brother


my grandmother scolded me and said, ‘go to your uncle, the black bear!’

iⁿ-kaⁿ ‘di-te-ke wa-sa niⁿ-kʰe ta e-ti da!’ i-ye naⁿ aⁿ-naⁿ-ho-sa naⁿ,

įkką́ ‘dítteke wasá niⁿkʰe tta étti dá!’ iyé ną ąną́hosá naⁿ,

my grandmother/your uncle, your mother’s brother/black bear/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/to, at, toward, in that direction/there/command to go/she said/when/she scolded me/when


so I have been coming here,” it is said that the the rabbit said.

pʰi a-ni-he,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

pʰi anihé,” iyí iyá maštį́ke.

I coming here/1sg continuative moving/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit


Then, “Sit over there on the other side of the lodge,” it is said the black bear said.

hoⁿ-tʰaⁿ-hi, “i-ka-xa-ta koi-ta kniⁿ” i-yi i-ya wa-sa niⁿ-kʰe.

hǫ́tʰąhi, “íkaxátta kóitta knį́” iyí iyá wasá niⁿkʰe.

then, at length/on opposite side of something/there, in that place/command to sit/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/black bear/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


Then the rabbit sat there, it is said.

hoⁿ-tʰaⁿ-hi ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-ti kniⁿ niⁿ-kʰe, i-ya.

hǫ́tʰąhi maštį́ke étti knį́ niⁿkʰe, iyá.

then, at length/rabbit/there/sit/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/quotative, hearsay evidential


When it was night, rabbit went outside, it is said.

hoⁿ tʰe-ti, ma-shtiⁿ-ke a-shi-ti hi, i-ya.

hǫ tʰétti, maštį́ke ášitti hi, iyá.

night/when/rabbit/outside, outdoors/he arrived, he went/quotative, hearsay evidential


When the rabbit went outside, he defecated all around the entrance of the lodge, it is said.

a-shi-ti hi tʰe-ti, ti-zhe o-ka-ki-xe-xti zhe i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ.

ášitti hi tʰétti, ttíže okákixe-xti že iyá maštį́ke nį.

outside, outdoors/he arrived, he went/when/door, entrance to a lodge/he go around something at a distance/very, real, fully/he had a bowel movement/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


“Ho, my feces,

“hau, iⁿ-kde wi-ta,

“hau, įkdé wítta,

ho, well, yes/dung, manure/my, mine


as soon as day arrives, you’all will give the scalp yell,” rabbit said to them, it is said.

haⁿ-ba o-taⁿ-ka hi taⁿ o-da-kda-x’a-x’a ta-i,” i-we-ke i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

hą́ba otą́ka hi ttą́ odákdaxʔáxʔa taí,” iwéke iyá maštį́ke.

day, daytime/as soon as/it arrives, it comes/when/you whoop, you give the scalp yell/will, plural/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


As soon as it was day,

haⁿ-ba o-taⁿ-ka hi taⁿ,

hą́ba otą́ka hi ttą́,

day, daytime/as soon as/it arrives, it comes/when


at that time, a great many people gave the scalp yell, it is said.

hoⁿ-tʰaⁿ-hi, ni-ka-shi-ka zho-hi hi o-kda-x’a-x’a-we, i-ya.

hǫ́tʰąhi, níkkašíka žóhi hi okdáxʔaxʔáwe, iyá.

then, at length/person, people/much, many/very/they whoop, they give the scalp yell/quotative, hearsay evidential


“My uncle, many people are here and will dislodge us,” it is said the rabbit said.

“wi-te-ke, ni-ka-shi-ka zho-hi hi shkoⁿ-wa-da-we,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ-kʰe.

“wítteke, níkkašíka žóhi hi škǫ́wadáwe,” iyí iyá maštį́ke niⁿkʰe.

my uncle, man’s mother’s brother/person, people/much, many/very/they cause us to move/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


“I have been dwelling here a very long time.

“de-do ti-aⁿ-hi kaⁿ miⁿ-kʰe moⁿ.

“dédo ttią́hi ką́ mįkʰé mǫ́.

here/a long time/I have been sitting so, I was so for awhile/I do (I used)


How could it be possible for anyone to make me move?” it is said the black bear said.

hoⁿ-niⁿ-taⁿ shkoⁿ-aⁿ-de ni-hoⁿ,” i-yi i-ya wa-sa niⁿ-kʰe.

hǫnį́ttą škǫ́ądé nihǫ́,” iyí iyá wasá niⁿkʰe.

why/they cause me to move/improbability/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/black bear/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


But there were a great many people, the entire group gave the scalp yell, it is said.

e-de ni-ka-shi-ka zho-hi hi o-kda-x’a-x’a-we i-ya bdo-ka hi.

edé níkkašíka žóhi hi okdáxʔaxʔáwe iyá bdóka hi.

but, sign of past time/person, people/much, many/very/they whoop, they give the scalp yell/quotative, hearsay evidential/whole, entire, circular, round/very


Then the black bear went outside, it is said,

koi-shoⁿ-taⁿ a-shi-ti hi i-ya wa-sa niⁿ,

kóišǫttą ášitti hi iyá wasá nį,

thus, accordingly, in that way, therefore/outside, outdoors/arrive, reach there/quotative, hearsay evidential/black bear/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


because he thought it was people, it is said.

ni-ka-shi-ka-we i-we-niⁿ-aⁿ taⁿ-ha, i-ya.

níkkašíkawe iwénįą́ tą́ha, iyá.

person, people/pluralizer/he thought about them/because, clause finally/quotative, hearsay evidential


Just as soon as black bear went outside, rabbit killed black bear, it is said.

a-shi-ti hi o-taⁿ-ka hi taⁿ ma-shtiⁿ-ke t’e-de i-ya wa-sa.

ášitti hi otąka hi tą maštį́ke tʔede iyá wasá.

outside, outdoors/he arrived, reached there/as soon as/very/when/rabbit/kill/quotative, hearsay evidential/black bear


My uncle, you have surely been killed, it is said that the rabbit said.

“wi-te-ke t’e-di-de ta e-de,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ.

“wítteke tʔédidé tta edé,” iyí iyá maštį́ke nį.

my uncle, man's mother's brother/they kill you/really, indeed/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


Having killed him, the rabbit started back home, it is said.

t’e-da-taⁿ kde naⁿ i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ.

tʔede attą kdé ną iyá maštį́ke nį.

kill/and/go home, to start homeward/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential/ rabbit/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


After sometime, he reached his home, it is said.

e-shoⁿ, ti tʰe-ta kʰi naⁿ, i-ya.

ešǫ́, tti tʰetta kʰi ną, iyá.

then, at length/house, tent, dwelling/to the, at the/arrive back at one's own/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential


“My grandmother, I have killed the black bear chief, it is said that the rabbit said.

“iⁿ-kaⁿ-e, wa-sa ka-hi-ke t’e-a-de,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ.

“įkką́-e, wasá kahíke tʔeáde,” iyí iyá maštį́ke tʰą.

my grandmother/black bear/chief/I kill/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


“How could you possibly kill him?

“hoⁿ-niⁿ-taⁿ t’e-da-de ni-hoⁿ,

“hǫnį́ttą tʔédade nihǫ́,

why/you kill/improbability post clitic


It would be difficult to kill him,” it is said that she said.

t’e-de o-te-xi,” i-yi i-ya.

tʔede óttexi,” íyi iyá.

kill/difficult to do/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths


“My grandmother, I have sure enough killed him!

“iⁿ-kaⁿ-e t’e-a-de e-de!

“įkká-e tʔeáde edé!

my grandmother/I kill/really, indeed


Let’s go,” it is said that the rabbit said.

aⁿ-ka-de te,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ.

ąkáde tte,” iyí iyá maštį́ke tʰą.

we dual, I and one other go/future, potential or optative marker, shall/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


The old woman arrived there with him, it is said.

wa-x’o zhi-ka niⁿ zho-kde e-ti hi naⁿ, i-ya.

waxʔóžiká nį žokdé étti hi ną, iyá.

old woman, little old lady/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/with, be with someone/there/arrive, reach there/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential


“My grandmother, that’s him,” it is said that the rabbit said.

“iⁿ-kaⁿ-e she iⁿ,” i-yi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ.

“įkką́-e šé į,” iyí iyá maštį́ke tʰą.

my grandmother/that visible object/oral stop, period/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/rabbit/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


“Yes, my grandchild,

“hoⁿ, wi-to-shpa,

“hǫ, wittóšpa,

yes/my grandchild


that will do,” it is said the old woman said.

shoⁿ iⁿ,” i-yi i-ya wa-x’o zhi-ka tʰaⁿ.

šǫ į,” iyí iyá waxʔóžiká tʰą.

the end, enough/oral stop, period/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths/old woman, old female animal, little old lady/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


She butchered the carcass, packed it on her back, and carried it home, it is said.

pa-te taⁿ k’iⁿ kde, i-ya.

pátte tą kʔį kdé, iyá.

butcher, to carve, cut up, dissect a dead body/when/carry, pack on the back/go home, to start homeward/quotative, hearsay evidential


Upon returning home, the rabbit took the black bear’s scrotum and left, it is said.

kʰi taⁿ ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ wa-sa shoⁿ-te a-niⁿ a-taⁿ de, i-ya.

kʰi tą maštį́ke nį wasá šǫté anį́ attą dé, iyá.

arrive back at one's own/when/rabbit/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/black bear/testicles/have, keep/and/he go/quotative, hearsay evidential


When he arrived at the black bear village,

wa-sa ti-kde ke-ti hi naⁿ,

wasá ttikdé ke-tti hi ną,

black bear/collection of lodges, village/the plural standing animate or inanimate/at, by, in; locative/arrive, reach there/when


they said to one another, “Rabbit has come!, Rabbit has come!” it is said.

“ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰi e-de! ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰi e-de!” i-ke-ya-we niⁿ, i-ya.

“maštį́ke tʰi edé! maštį́ke tʰi edé!” íkeyáwe nį́, iyá.

rabbit/arrive, to have come here/really, indeed/rabbit/arrive, to have come here/really, indeed/they said to someone/the class?/quotative, hearsay evidential


They made a great uproar, it is said.

x’a-naⁿ e-hi-we, i-ya.

xʔáną éhiwé, iyá.

they make a lot noise, they make a lot of noise talking/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Yes, I have come, I have come to tell you something,” rabbit said to them, it is said.

“hoⁿ, a-tʰi, o-wi-ki-bda-ke a-tʰi,” i-we-ke i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

“hǫ, atʰí, ówikibdáke atʰí,” iwéke iyá maštį́ke.

yes/I arrive, I have come here/I tell you something/I arrive, I have come here/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


“Ho, rabbit says that he has come to tell us something,” they said to one another, it is said.

“hau, ma-shtiⁿ-ke o-da-ke tʰi i-ye,” i-ke-ya-we niⁿ, i-ya.

“hau, maštį́ke odáke tʰí iyé,” íkeyáwe nį́, iyá.

ho, well, yes/rabbit/he tell about something/he arrive, he has come here/he says/they said the preceding to (one)/the class?/quotative, hearsay evidential


Everyone of the black bears went there (to the lodge where the rabbit was), it is said,

wa-sa be-ni-zhi e-ti hi-we, i-ya,

wasá béniži étti híwe, iyá,

black bear/everyone/there/they arrive, they reach there/quotative, hearsay evidential


they went to the lodge, crowding together, sitting upon one another, packing themselves in, it is said.

a-kʰi-kniⁿ-xti ti tʰe-ta hi-we, i-ya.

akʰíknį-xti tti tʰetta híwe, iyá.

crowding together upon one another, sitting upon one another/very, real, fully/house, tent, dwelling/to the/they arrive, they reach there/quotative, hearsay evidential


“They’ve arrived! Tell it!” they said, it is said.

“hi-we! o-da!” i-ya-we, i-ya.

“hiwé! odá!” iyáwe, iyá.

they come/tell something/they say, they said/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Yes, I will tell you’all,” rabbit said to them, it is said.

“hoⁿ, o-wi-ki-bda-ke tai miⁿ-kʰe,” i-we-ke i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

“hǫ, ówikibdáke taí mįkʰé,” iwéke iyá maštį́ke.

yes/I tell you something/will, plural/1sg continuative sitting/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


“It is said that a great many people went to the black bear principal chief and there they killed him,” the rabbit said to them, it is said.

“wa-sa ka-hi-ke taⁿ-ka niⁿ-kʰe ni-ka-shi-ka zho-hi hi e-ti hi-wi naⁿ t’e-da-we, i-ya,” i-we-ke, i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ-kʰe.

“wasá kahíke ttą́ka nįkʰe níkkašíka žóhi hi étti híwi ną́ tʔédawé, iyá,” iwéke, iyá maštį́ke nįkʰe.

black bear/chief/big, large/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/person, people/much, many/very/there/they arrive, reach there/when/they kill/quotative, hearsay evidential/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate


The black bears said, “Our chief, they have killed our relation, he (Rabbit) said,” it is said.

“ka-hi-ke oⁿ-ko-ta-we, t’e-wa-ki-da-we, i-ya,” i-ya-we, i-ya wa-sa ke.

“kahíke ǫkóttawe, tʔéwakidáwe, iyá,” iyáwe, iyá wasá ke.

chief/our, ours (plural)/they have killed our relation/quotative, he said/they say, they said/quotative, hearsay evidential/black bear/the plural standing animate or inanimate


Everyone of the black bears cried, it is said.

wa-sa be-ni-zhi xa-ka-we, i-ya.

wasá béniži γakawe, iyá.

black bear/everyone/they cry, weep/quotative, hearsay evidential


“You’all whose principal chief has been killed, here is his scrotum,”

“ka-hi-ke taⁿ-ka t’e-di-ki-de ni-kʰa-she, shoⁿ-te niⁿ-kʰe she iⁿ,”

“kahíke ttą́ka tʔédikidé nikʰáše, šǫté nįkʰe šé į,”

chief/big, large/your relation was killed/2pl continuative sitting/testicles/the plural standing animate or inanimate/that visible object/oral stop, period


having said this to them, he struck them with it (the scrotum), it is said.

i-we-ki taⁿ we-kda-sa, i-ya.

iwéki tą wékdasá, iyá.

he said it to them/when/he hit them with what belonged to their kinsman/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Ho, the rabbit is the guilty one.

“hau, ma-shtiⁿ-ke e-waⁿ niⁿ.

“hau, maštį́ke éwą nį.

ho, well, yes/rabbit/to be cause of trouble, be blameworthy/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


Chase him and they kill him!” he said to them, it is said.

(You’all chase him and kill him!” one of the bears said to them, it is said.)

di-xa a-taⁿ t’e-da-we,” i-we-ke, i-ya.

dixá attą tʔédawé,” iwéke, iyá.

chase, pursue, hunt (command form)/and/they kill/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential


He went a long distance, when he was overtaken, they killed him, it is said.

ko-zhi hi taⁿ, o-xde naⁿ, t’e-da-we, i-ya.

kkóži hi tą, oxdé ną, tʔédawé, iyá.

far/arrive, reach there/when/overtook him/and/they kill/quotative, hearsay evidential


Tearing his entire body to pieces, they scattered the pieces all around, it is said.

zho-i-ka bdo-ka di-shpa-shpa taⁿ oⁿ-da-we, i-ya.

žoíka bdóka dišpášpa attą ǫdáwe, iyá.

body/entire, whole, circular, round/tear into pieces/and/they throw away/quotative, hearsay evidential


The rabbit had not returned to his grandmother for a long time, it is said.

e-kaⁿ niⁿ-kʰe-ti ti-aⁿ-hi kʰi-zhi i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke.

eką́ nįkʰe-tti ttią́hi kʰi-ži iyá maštį́ke.

his grandmother/the singular sitting animate or inanimate/at, by, in, locative/for a long time/he arrive back at his own/negative, not, negation/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit


Then his grandmother wanted to go look for him, it is said.

e-shoⁿ e-kaⁿ niⁿ-kʰe o-ki-te de koⁿ-da, i-ya.

ešǫ́ eką́ nįkʰe okítte dé kǫdá, iyá.

then, at length/his grandmother/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/to look for her own/to go/he or she want, desire, wish/quotative, hearsay evidential


The old woman took her sewing bag

wa-x’o zhi-ka niⁿ-kʰe wa-ba-tʰe o-zhi-ha niⁿ-kʰe kdi-ze

waxʔóžiká nįkʰe wabátʰe óžiha nįkʰe kdíze

old woman, old female animal, little old lady/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/sew/bag, sack, pocket/the sg. si. an. or in./take her own


when she went to look for rabbit, it is said.

naⁿ ma-shtiⁿ-ke o-ki-te de, i-ya.

ną maštį́ke okítte dé, iyá.

and/rabbit/to look for her own/to go/quotative, hearsay evidential


The old woman said, “I will look for him wherever they may have killed him,” it is said.

“ho-wa-tʰe-ti t’e-dai tʰe i-te i-da-ki-de te,” i-ye niⁿ, i-ya wa-x’o zhi-ka niⁿ.

“hówa tʰettí tʔédai tʰe itté idákide tte,” iyé nį, iyá waxʔóžiká nį.

where/to the/they killed him/past, completive aspect/potential modality in past/I see, find my own/future, potential or optative marker, shall/he or she say/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/quotative, hearsay evidential/old woman, old female animal, little old lady/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


When she arrived there, the torn pieces were scattered about.

e-ti hi naⁿ, di-shpa-shpa ke.

étti hi ną, dišpášpa ke.

there/arrive, reach there/when/tear into pieces/the plural standing animate or inanimate


She walked around picking up the pieces, filling her sewing bag, it is said.

ki-ba-hi a-taⁿ wa-ba-tʰe o-zhi-ha niⁿ-kʰe o-ki-zhi maⁿ-niⁿ niⁿ, i-ya.

kibáhi attą wabátʰe óžiha nįkʰe ókiži mąnį́ nį, iyá.

she picked up her own/and/sewing bag/the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/she filled her own/she walk/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate


“Yes, rabbit you have been disobedient,

“hoⁿ, ma-shtiⁿ-ke ni-xi-te di-ni-ke,

“hǫ, maštį́ke niγítte diníke,

yes/rabbit/inner ear, hearing/you have none, you are lacking (you do not hear=you are disobedient)


those lodges over there, they are disobedient,

ti koi-ke, ni-xi-te ni-ka-we,

tti kóike, niγítte nikáwe,

lodge/yonder ones/inner ear, hearing/they have none (they do not hear=they are disobedient)


you do not go there! I’ve been saying,

e-ti te na-ha! i-he naⁿ,

étti tté nahá! ihé ną,

there/you go/prohibitive, beware lest/I say/habitual


then you went and thus, they killed you,” she was saying, it is said.

e-shoⁿ shi e-koⁿ, t’e-di-da-we,” i-ye niⁿ, i-ya.

ešǫ́ ši ekǫ́, tʔédidawĕ,” iyé nį, iyá.

then, at length/you arrive, you reach there/thus, so, like, like that/she say/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/quotative, hearsay evidential


The old woman went home carrying her sewing bag upon her back, it is said.

wa-x’o zhi-ka niⁿ wa-ba-tʰe o-zhi-ha niⁿ-kʰe ki-k’iⁿ kde, i-ya.

waxʔóžiká nį wabátʰe óžiha nįkʰe kikʔį́ kdé, iyá.

old woman, old female animal, little old lady/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/sewing bag/the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/carry on her own back, pack/she go home, she start homeward/quotative, hearsay evidential


When she reached home, she emptied the bag and

kʰi taⁿ, o-zhi-ha niⁿ-kʰe ba-po a-kdaⁿ niⁿ naⁿ,

kʰi tą, óžiha nįkʰe bapó ákdą nį ną,

arrive back at her own/when/bag, sack/the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/she emptied the bag/put, place upon a surface/3sg continuative moving; the singular, moving, animate/when


the rabbit came back to life, it is said.

ma-shtiⁿ-ke ki-ti-ta, i-ya.

maštį́ke kitittá, iyá.

rabbit/came to life again/quotative, hearsay evidential


 “You do not go second time! Those lodges, they are disobedient,” it is said that she said.

“i-naⁿ-paⁿ te na-ha! ti ke, ni-xi-te ni-ka-we,” i-yi iya.

“ínąpą́ tté nahá! tti ke, niγítte nikáwe,” iyí iyá.

second time, again/you go/prohibitive, beware lest/house, tent, dwelling/the plural standing animate or inanimate/inner ear, opening of the ear, hearing/they have none, they are lacking (they do not hear=they are disobedient)/quotative embedded, it is said, he or she said in myths


The rabbit thought, “I will go,” it is said.

ma-shtiⁿ-ke niⁿ-kʰe, “bde ta miⁿ-kʰe,” i-niⁿ-aⁿ, i-ya.

maštį́ke nįkʰe, “bdé tta mįkʰé,” ínįą́, iyá.

rabbit/3sg continuative sitting; the singular, sitting, animate or inanimate/I go/future tense/1sg continuative sitting/he think (what precedes)/quotative, hearsay evidential


He took his bow and went, it is said.

maⁿ-te kdi-ze taⁿ de, i-ya.

mą́tte kdíze tą dé, iyá.

bow/he took his own/when/he go/quotative, hearsay evidential


When he arrived at the black bear lodges,

wa-sa ti-kde ke-ti hi taⁿ,

wasá ttikdé ke-tti hi tą,

black bear/village, collection of lodges/the plural standing animate or inanimate/at, by, in, locative/he arrived, reached there/when


one of the black bears had a dream, it is said.

wa-sa miⁿ hoⁿ-bde, i-ya.

wasá mį hǫ́bde, iyá.

black bear/one/dream/quotative, hearsay evidential


The black bear was crying all by himself, it is said.

wa-sa tʰaⁿ xa-ke naⁿ-hi tʰaⁿ, i-ya.

wasá tʰą γaké nąhí tʰą, iyá.

black bear/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate/he cry, weep/alone, all alone/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate/quotative, hearsay evidential


Then, the others said to him, “What is the matter with you?” it is said.

e-shoⁿ, “hoⁿ da-tʰaⁿ-she,” i-ke-ya-we, i-ya.

ešǫ́, “hǫ dátʰąšé,” íkeyáwe, iyá.

then, at length/what, how, in what manner/2sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate/they said the preceding to (one)/quotative, hearsay evidential


 “I’ve been dreaming, I dreamed a very bad dream.

“hoⁿ-a-bde a-tʰaⁿ-he shi-ke-xti i-da-hoⁿ-bde.

“hǫ́abde atʰąhé šíke-xti idáhǫbde.

I dream/1sg continuative auxiliary, singular standing, animate/bad/very, real, fully/I dreamed about, I dreamed that


I dreamed that they killed us all, every single one of us.

za-ni-xti t’e-a-wa-da-we i-da-hoⁿ-bde.

zaní-xti tʔeáwadawé idáhǫbde.

all/very, real, fully/they killed us/I dreamed about, I dreamed that


I dreamed that they killed me too,” he said, it is said.

wi-e-hoⁿ t’e-aⁿ-da-we i-da-hoⁿ-bde,” i-ye tʰaⁿ, i-ya.

wíehǫ tʔeą́dawé idáhǫbde,” iyé tʰą, iyá.

I too, me too/they kill me/he say/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate/quotative, hearsay evidential


“There is no reason for you to have such a dream.

o-x’aⁿ ni-ke da-hoⁿ-bde.

óxʔą niké dahǫ́bde.

for nothing, without cause/you dream


How could anyone kill all of us?”, the black bears said, it is said.

hoⁿ-niⁿ-taⁿ za-ni t’e-a-wa-dai ni-hoⁿ,” i-ya-we i-ya wa-sa ke.

hǫnį́ttą zaní tʔeáwadaí nihǫ́,” iyáwe iyá wasá ke.

why/all/they kill us/improbability post clitic/they say, they said/quotative, hearsay evidential/black bear/the plural standing animate or inanimate


The black bears only ate Indians, they ate no other kind of food, it is said.

wa-sa ke ni-ka-shi-ka e-naⁿ-xti wa-da-tʰe-we, i-ya.

wasá ke níkkašíka éną-xti wádatʰéwe, iyá.

black bear/the plural standing animate or inanimate/person, people/only that, him, her, it/very, real, fully/they eat them/quotative, hearsay evidential


Therefore rabbit, who sided with the Indians,

e-toⁿ ma-shtiⁿ-ke, ni-ka-shi-ka o-do-wa-ki e-kaⁿ,

ettǫ́ maštį́ke, níkkašíka odówaki eką́,

and, but/rabbit/person, people/he sided with them/like that, like, so, thus


wanted to kill all of the black bears, it is said.

za-ni-xti t’e-wa-de koⁿ-da naⁿ, i-ya.

zaní-xti tʔéwade kǫ́da ną, iyá.

all, all of the/very, real, fully/to kill them/he want, desire, wish/past sign/quotative, hearsay evidential


He (Rabbit) arrived at the black bear lodges.

wa-sa ti-kde ke-ti hi naⁿ.

wasá ttikdé ke-tti hi ną.

black bear/village, collection of lodges/the plural standing animate or inanimate/at, by, in, locative/he arrived, reached there/when


At night, he defecated all around the lodges, it is said.

hoⁿ tʰe-ti ti-kde ke o-ka-ki-xe-xti zhe, i-ya.

hǫ tʰetti ttikdé ke okákixe-xti že, iyá.

night/at the standing object, to the/village, collection of lodges/the plural standing animate or inanimate/go around something at a distance/very, real, fully/to have a bowel movement/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Ho, my feces.

hau, iⁿ-kde wi-ta.

hau, įkdé wítta.

ho, well, yes/dung, manure/my, mine


When it is daybreak,

haⁿ-ba saⁿ-haⁿ ti-he taⁿ,

hą́ba są́hą tihé tą,

day, daytime/whitish, grayish/to have become suddenly/when


you’all will give the scalp yell.

o-da-kda-x’a-x’a ta-i.

odákdaxʔáxʔá taí.

you whoop, you give the scalp yell/will, plural


Let’s kill all the black bears.

wa-sa ke za-ni hi t’e-aⁿ-wa-de ta-i.

wasá ke zaní hi tʔeą́wade taí.

black bear/the plural standing animate or inanimate/all, all of the/very/we kill them/will, plural


I will give the attack cry first,

wi-taⁿ-niⁿ hi wa-te-paⁿ ta miⁿ-kʰe,

wíttąnį hi wattéppą́ tta mįkʰé,

I ahead, I first/very/I give the attacking cry/future/1sg continuative sitting


At that time you must give the scalp yell,” the rabbit said to them, it is said.

e-ti-tʰaⁿ o-kda-x’a-x’a-we ka,” i-we-ke i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ.

ettítʰą okdáxʔaxʔá-we ká,” iwéke iyá maštį́ke tʰą.

from then on/whoop, give the scalp yell/command/he said it to them/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


As soon as day arrived,

haⁿ-ba o-taⁿ-ka hi taⁿ,

hą́ba otą́ka hi tą,

day/as soon as/arrive, reach there/when


the rabbit gave the attack signal, it is said.

wa-te-baⁿ i-ya ma-shtiⁿ-ke tʰaⁿ,

wattébą́ iyá maštį́ke tʰą,

to give the attack signal/quotative, hearsay evidential/rabbit/3sg continuative auxiliary, singular, standing, animate; the standing, animate


All of the people gave the scalp yell, it is said.

za-ni hi o-kda-x’a-x’a-we i-ya ni-ka-shi-ka ke.

zaní hi okdáxʔaxʔáwe iyá níkkašíka ke.

all, all of the/very/they give the scalp yell/quotative, hearsay evidential/person, people/the plural standing animate or inanimate


All of the black bears came outside of their lodges, it is said.

wa-sa za-ni hi a-shi-ti hi-we, i-ya.

wasá zaní hi ášitti híwe, iyá.

black bear/all, all of the/very/outside, outdoor/they arrive, they reach there/quotative, hearsay evidential


All of the black bears were killed, it is said.

wa-sa-pa za-ni hi t’e-wa-de, i-ya.

wasá apa zaní hi tʔéwade, iyá.

black bear/the, definite article for pl. mv. an. objects/all, all of the/very/them killed/quotative, hearsay evidential


Only one male and only one female, two were left after the striking down of the others, it is said.

ni-ka miⁿ-xti wa-x’o miⁿ-xti naⁿ-pa o-ka-shte, i-ya.

níkka mį́-xti waxʔó mį́-xti ną́pa okášté, iyá.

man, male animal/a, one, indefinite article/very, real, fully/woman, also female animal/a, one, indefinite article/very, real, fully/two, both, also, too/remain, be left over after striking/quotative, hearsay evidential


The rabbit took hold of the two black bears, it is said.

ma-shtiⁿ-ke wa-sa naⁿ-pa ni-kʰa o-wa-naⁿ, i-ya.

maštį́ke wasá ną́pa nikʰa ówaną, iyá.

rabbit/black bear/two, both, also, too/3pl continuative sitting/he take hold of, seize, grasp them/quotative, hearsay evidential


The rabbit spoke to the two black bears, it is said.

ma-shtiⁿ-ke wa-sa naⁿ-pa ni-kʰa o-wa-ki-e, i-ya.

maštį́ke wasá ną́pa nikʰa ówakkie, iyá.

rabbit/black bear/two, both, also, too/3pl continuative sitting/he speaks, talks to them/quotative, hearsay evidential


“Because you’all have been bad, you’all shall eat nothing but insects in the future.

“di-shi-ka-we taⁿ-ha, wa-kdi-shka e-naⁿ-xti da-tʰe ta-i-tʰe.

“díšikáwe tą́ha, wakdíška éną-xti datʰé taitʰé.

you bad, plural/because, clause finally/insect, reptile/only that, him, her, it/very, real, fully/eat, chew/shall, plural


You’all shall be without a soul.

wa-na-xe di-ni-ke ta-i-tʰe.

wanáγe diníke taitʰé.

spirit, ghost/you have none, you be lacking/shall, plural


My mother, my uncle, their offspring, they will eat you.

(Men and women, the whole human race, they will eat you.)

iⁿ-da, wi-te-ke, e-ta-we, di-da-tʰe ta-i-tʰe.

įdá, wítteke, ettáwe, dídatʰé taitʰé.

my mother/my uncle, man's mother's brother/their, theirs/(they) eat you/shall plural


You’all begone!”


dáwe ka!”

go, command/pluralizer/male command


enough, the end



the end, enough


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